Page 215 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 215
211 | Gochhait, Sharma & Bachute
casting. This includes the utilization of the 1D CNN BI LSTM role in the development of the model and contribute to its
model, as well as traditional STLF models like ARIMA and accuracy and effectiveness. Through careful analysis and
ANN. integration of these weather parameters, the model is able
Step 3: Input Parameter Determination: An assessment is con- to capture the important influences of weather conditions on
ducted to identify the relevant input parameters necessary for the target variable, enhancing its forecasting capabilities. By
accurate load forecasting. Special attention isgiven to weather including these specific weather parameters in the model, we
parameters known to have a significant impact on electricity can ensure a comprehensive and robust approach to load fore-
demand. casting.
Step 4: Load Forecasting: Building upon the 1D CNN BI 1. Wet Bulb Temperature: This parameter measures the adia-
LSTM architecture, a load forecast model is developed. This batically measured saturated temperature at two meters above
model undergoes thorough training and testing to ensure opti- the earth’s surface. It plays a crucial role inload forecasting
mal performance in load forecasting tasks. as it impacts the performance of cooling systems, which sub-
Step 5: Performance Evaluation: A hybrid deep learning sequently affects energy consumption.
model, specifically the 1D CNN BI LSTM model, is created 2. Frost Point: It represents the temperature at which the air
and assessed for performance. Comparative analysisis con- becomes saturated, leading to condensation. This parameter
ducted using statistical error matrices and actual measurement is critical for load forecasting as it influences the performance
data to evaluate the model’s efficacy. of heating systems and, consequently, energy consumption.
Step 6: Model Selection: Based on the findings obtained from 3. Temperature: This parameter refers to the average temper-
the previous steps, the most suitable machine learning model ature of the air attwo meters above the earth’s surface, also
is recommended. This selection takes into account accuracy known as the dry bulb temperature. It significantly affects
and overall performance in load forecasting applications. energy consumption, particularly in buildings and homes.
By following this systematic six-step approach, researchers 4. Relative Humidity: Expressed as a percentage, relative hu-
can develop a robust and effective load forecasting strategy midity represents the ratio between the actual partial pressure
that leverages the strengths of the 1D CNN BI LSTM model of water vapor and the pressure at saturation.It is crucial for
alongside other relevant machine learning techniques. load forecasting as it impacts the performance of cooling and
heating systems, which directly affect energy consumption.
1) Data Evaluation and Planning 5. Specific Humidity at 2 Meters: Specific humidity is defined
as the ratio of watervapor mass to total air mass at two meters
To ensure the accuracy of the model, it is imperative to per- above the earth’s surface. It provides an indication of the air’s
form proper pre-processing of raw data prior to transformation. moisture content and influences the performance of cooling
The initial step in this process involves gathering and orga- and heating systems.
nizing data to establish meaningful input-output relationships. 6. Wind Speed at 10 Meters: Measured at a height of 10
According to previous research [1, 2], essential pre-processing meters above the earth’s surface, wind speed is an essential
operations such as normalization, ranking, and correlation parameter in load forecasting, particularly for wind energy
analysis are necessary. By adhering to recommended data systems. It affects the performance of wind turbines and di-
collection and processing practices, we can guarantee that rectly impacts energygeneration.
our models are constructedupon a robust foundation of high- In conclusion, weather parameters such as Wet Bulb Tempera-
quality data. ture at 2 Meters, Dew/Frost Point at 2 Meters, Temperature at
a: data gathering 2 Meters, Relative Humidity at 2 Meters, Specific Humidity at
The datasets being collected encompass a range of informa- 2 Meters, and Wind Speed at 10 Meters are crucial featuresin
tion, including climate data, calendar data, and power con- load forecasting models. They have a direct impact on energy
sumption data. Weather Data Collection: The meteorological consumption and generation, and accurate measurement and
dataset used in this research is sourced from the NASA Power analysis of these parameters are essentialfor ensuring a stable
website ( Prior and reliable power supply.
to being utilized in the load forecasting model, the raw weather Accurate prediction of electricity demand is vital for efficient
data undergoes pre-processing, including weighting and sta- power system management. By considering both the tim-
tistical analysis. Load forecasting models incorporate weather ing and specific characteristics of electricity demand, power
forecasts and other factors to minimize operational expenses. managers can make informed decisions regarding resource
Weather conditions significantly influence load profiles, par- allocation and ensure effective and efficient energy utilization.
ticularly for domestic and agricultural customers. The model Time Indicators: In this research, the investigation of time
development process incorporates the collection and utiliza- indicators is of paramount importance, specifically the date,
tion of six weather parameters. These parameters play a vital