Page 221 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 221

217 |                                                             Gochhait, Sharma & Bachute

forecasting.                                                      2022 (12 months). For Delhi, the time interval was set to
Overall, the comparative analysis of Odisha and Delhi states      day-wise, resulting in a total of 1,425 rows and 6 columns.
using the hybrid 1D CNN-BI LSTM model demonstrated its            The training set constituted 70% of the data, comprising 997
effectiveness in accurately predicting peak load values. The      rows from January 2019 to August 2021 (32 months). The
model’s architecture, training options, and the obtained results  validation set contained 10% of the data, consisting of 142
pro- vide valuable insights for future research and practical     rows from September 2021 to December 2021 (4 months).
applications in the field of electricity forecasting. This sec-   The testing set included20% of the data, with 285 rows from
tion presents a comparative analysis of the long-term electric-   January 2022 to September 2022 (9 months). Overall, this
ity forecastingmodels conducted for the states of Orissa and      analysis reveals differences in dataset size, the time interval
Delhi. The data used for the analysis was collected from the      for data collection, and forecasted response between Odisha
Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL)             and Delhi. These variations canbe attributed to the unique en-
forOrissa and the Northern Regional Load Dispatch Centre          ergy demand patterns and requirements of each state. Odisha’s
(NRLDC) for Delhi. The analysis focused on evaluating the         diverse landscape and varying load patterns across different
differences in data collection, variables collected, data clean-  regions necessitate customized load forecasting models. On
ing, data transformation, data reduction, forecasted response,    the other hand, Delhi’s high population density and a large
forecasting models, and the training, validation, and testing     number of commercial and industrial establishments deman-
sets. The duration and frequency of historical data collection    daccurate load forecasting to effectively manage its electricity
varied across the twostates, which can impact the accuracy of     distribution and ensure reliable power supply.
load forecasting models. In Odisha, electricity load data were
collected every hour for a period of five years (January 2018                        V. CONCLUSION
to December 2022). On the other hand, in Delhi, electricity
load data was collected every 30 minutes for a period of two      In conclusion, this comparative analysis of long-term elec-
years (January 2019 to December 2022). It is important to         tricity forecasting in Odisha and Delhi has provided valuable
note that the difference in data collection intervals and dura-   insights into their load forecasting models, dataset characteris-
tions can influence the accuracy of load forecasting models,      tics, and forecasted responses. The study revealed that Odisha
and thus, careful consideration must be given to selecting an     exhibitsdiverse load patterns across different regions, while
appropriate time interval and duration for data collection. The   Delhi’s high population density and commercial/industrial
variables collected for both states included Wet Bulb Temper-     establishments impact load forecasting. The load forecast-
ature, Precipitation, Dew/Frost Point, Normal Temperature,        ing models employed in Odisha included regression analysis
Relative Humidity, Specific Humidity, and Wind Speed. Data        anda hybrid deep learning approach, whereas Delhi utilized
cleaning and transformation were performed for both datasets      Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Long Short-Term Mem-
to resolve any missing values and integrate multiple files into   ory (LSTM), Exponential GPR, and a hybrid deep learning
a usable format. Additionally, data reduction techniques were     approach. Notably, the forecasted response differed between
applied to capture the essential properties of the data while     the two states, with Odisha focusing on load demand for 12
removing redundancies. The forecasted response for Odisha         months and Delhi considering a 9-month duration. These
was the load demand (in MW) for a durationof 12 months,           variations in dataset size, time intervals, and forecasted re-
whereas, for Delhi, it wasthe load demand (in MW) for a           sponse reflect the unique energy demand patterns observed in
duration of 9 months. Regression analysis and a hybrid deep       each state. Short-term load forecasting presented challenges
learning model utilizing a 1D CNN BI LSTM architecture            for both states, particularly due to the volatile nature of com-
were employed for load forecasting in Orissa. In contrast,        mercial and industrial consumers in Maharashtra and Delhi.
Delhi’s load forecasting models included Artificial Neural        Telangana’s rapid growth and investments in smart grid tech-
Networks (ANN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Ex-                nologies influenced load forecasting, while Odisha’s diverse
ponential Gaussian Process Regression (GPR), and a hybrid         consumption patterns necessitated efficient short-load fore-
deeplearning approach. The training, validation, and testing      casting models. Additionally, a statistical framework was pro-
set for Odisha comprised a time interval of 1 hour, with a total  posed to address uncertainty in electricity forecasting models,
of 1,819 rows and 6 columns. The training set consisted of        benefiting Load Dispatch Centers in Maharashtra, Telangana,
70ofthe data, corresponding to 1,273 rows from January 2018       Odisha, and Delhi. This framework considers factors such
to June 2021 (42 months). The validation set contained 10%        as high demand, rapid growth, diverse consumption patterns,
of the data, consisting of 181 rows from July 2021to Decem-       and high population density. In summary, this research paper
ber 2021 (6 months). The remaining 20% of the data formed         introduced a novel hybrid deep learning model forlong-term
the testing set, with 363 rows from January 2022 to December      load forecasting in power systems management. The model,
                                                                  incorporating afeature extraction module, a densely connected
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