Page 222 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 222
218 | Gochhait, Sharma & Bachute
residual block (DCRB), a bidirectional long short-term mem- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
ory layer (Bi-LSTM), and ensemble thinking, outperformed
CNN- based models in accurately forecasting electricity load. This work was supported by the Department of Scientific and
The model’s feature extraction capabilities extend beyond load Industrial Research (DSIR), Government of India under Grant
forecasting andcan contribute to optimal energy allocation, A2KS; Grant number A2KS -11011/7/2022-IRD (SC)- DSIR.
demand-side management, and smart grid operation. Accurate
load forecasting enhances resource optimization, blackout risk CONFLICT OF INTEREST
mitigation, and power supply reliability. Moreover, the model
holds potential for applications in other domains such as stock The authors have no conflict of relevant interest to this article
price forecasting, weather prediction, and traffic flow predic- can be used.
tion. Nevertheless, this research has limitations, including
reliance on a single dataset that may not represent all power REFERENCES
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