Page 212 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 212

208 |                                                               Gochhait, Sharma & Bachute

providinginsights into the technical aspects and challenges         the potential of AI techniques in enhancing the performance
associated with their integration. Khaki [3] focuses on joint       and efficiency of energy storage systems. Boretti [15] dis-
sizing and placement of battery energy storage systems and          cusses the integration of solar thermal and photovoltaic, wind,
wind turbines considering reactive power support, emphasiz-         and battery energy storage systems through AI in NEOM
ing the importance of system stability and reliability.             city, presenting an innovative approach for maximizing re-
Furthermore, Mahmoudi et al. [4] propose a novel fuzzy logic-       newable energy utilization. In the context of battery energy
based method to evaluate storage and backup systems for             storage systems, Kharlamova et al. [16] investigatedata-driven
determining the optimal size of hybrid renew- able energy           approaches for cyber defense, addressing the security chal-
systems. Nazir et al. [5]optimize the economic operation of         lenges associated with energy storage systems. Xu et al. [17]
energy storage integration using an improved gravitational          propose demand-side management for smart grids based on
search algorithm and dual-stage optimiza-tion, highlighting         smart home appliances with renewable energy sources and an
the economic benefits and feasibility of energy storage sys-        energy storage system, emphasizing the importance of intel-
tems. Ali et al. [6] present a comprehensive review on closed-      ligent load management for optimizing energy consumption
loop home energy management systems with renewable en-              and reducing costs. The literature review also covers studies
ergy sources in smart grids, discussing the integration of vari-    on sustainability assessment and control strategies. Oliveira
ous technologies and control strategies.                            et al. [18] conduct a self-sustainability assessment for a high
The literature review also encompasses studies on optimiza-         building based on linear programming and computational fluid
tion and design methodologies. Maleki [7] investigates the          dynamics, providing valuable insights into optimizing energy
design and optimization of autonomous solar-wind-reverse            consumption and efficiency. Yoo et al. [19] explore intelligent
osmosis desalination systems coupling battery and hydrogen          control of battery energy storage for multi-agent-based micro
energy storage. Lian et al. [8] provide a review of recent          grid energy management, highlighting the significance of ad-
sizing methodologies of hybrid renew- able energy systems,          vanced control strategies in achieving optimal performance.
analyzing different approaches and their suitability for vari-      Abualigah et al. [20] present a survey of advanced machine
ous applications. Dreher et al. [9] explore the application of      learning and deep learning techniques applied to wind, so-
AI agents and deep reinforcement learning for the forecast-         lar, and photovoltaic renewable energy systems, with and
based operation of renewable energy storage systems using           without energy storage optimization. This survey provides
hydrogen, highlighting the potential of advanced algorithms         an overview of thestate-of-the-art methods for optimizing
in optimizing energystorage performance.                            the performance and efficiency of renewable energy systems.
Machine learning techniques in the context of sustainable en-       Pakulska and Poniatowska-Jaksch [21] discuss digitalization
ergy systems are covered by RangelMartinez et al. [10], who         in the renewable energy sector, focusing on the emergence of
present a review and outlook on renewable energy systems,           new market players and their impact on the industry.
catalysis, smart grids, and energy storage. Vijayalakshmi et        Lastly, Abdulkader et al. [22] explore the application of soft
al. [11] propose a stochastic gradient descent-based artificial     computing techniques in smart grids with decentralized gen-
neural network for predictingthe virtual energy storage ca-         eration and renewable energy storage system planning. The
pacity of air-conditioners, showcasing the potential of AIin        authors from [23, 24] emphasize the potential of soft comput-
load management. Sobhy et al. [12] introduce the marine             ing methods for addressing complex optimization problems
predator’s algorithm for load frequency control in modern           and improving the planning and management of renewable
interconnected power systems with renewable energy sources          energy systems. By critically examining and evaluating these
and energy storage units.                                           significant studies, this research paper aims to make a valuable
The review also includes studies focusing on optimization           contribution to the field of comparative longterm electricity
algorithms and sizing methodologies. Zhao et al. [13] present       forecasting analysis. Specifically, it seeks to shed light on the
a hybrid shuffled frog-leaping and pattern search algorithm for     effective integration of renewable energy sources and energy
sizing renewable energy systems with energy storage systems-        storage systems within the unique contexts of Orissa and Delhi
based micro grids, emphasizing cost minimization. Olabi et          states. The insights gained from this analysis will greatly en-
al. [14] explore the application of artificial intelligence for     hance our comprehension of the challenges and opportunities
the prediction, optimization, and control of thermal energy         pertaining to sustainable energy planning and management.
storage systems, highlighting the potential of AI techniques        Furthermore, these findings will serve as a valuable support
in enhancing systems.                                               in the decision-making processes for future energy systems.
One study by Olabi et al. [14] explores the application of artifi-  The subsequent sections of the paper are structured as fol-
cial intelligence (AI) for the prediction, optimization, and con-   lows to provide a cohesive flow of information. Section II
trol of thermal energy storage systems. The authors highlight       offers a comprehensive overview of the existing literatureon
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