Page 218 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 218

214 |                                                                                     Gochhait, Sharma & Bachute

                  TABLE VI.                                                      TABLE VII.

              Layer               Options                                   Layer              Parameters/Options
              adam                     -                            SequenceInputLayer    numFeatures, ”Name”, ”input”
      GradientThreshold               1                             Convolution1dLayer
        InitialLearnRate                                         BatchNormalizationLayer     11, 96, ’Padding’, ’same’
          MaxEpochs                 0.001                                                                   -
       SequenceLength               1000                                 ReLULayer                          -
             Epsilon             ”longest”                          Convolution1dLayer
       L2Regularization           1 × 10-8                       BatchNormalizationLayer    20, 180, ’Padding’, ’same’
             Shuffle               0.0001                                                                   -
    GradientDecayFactor       ”every-epoch”                              ReLULayer                          -
SquaredGradientDecayFactor           0.9                            Convolution1dLayer
    LearnRateDropFactor             0.999                        BatchNormalizationLayer    30, 300, ’Padding’, ’same’
    LearnRateDropPeriod              0.1                                                                    -
 GradientThresholdMethod                                                 ReLULayer                          -
  ResetInputNormalization             10                            Convolution1dLayer
              Plots              ”l2norm”                        BatchNormalizationLayer    32, 320, ’Padding’, ’same’
                                     true                                ReLULayer                          -
                            ”training-progress”                         DropoutLayer                       0.2
dataset, with an 80% training and 20% validation ratio from             DropoutLayer      100, ’OutputMode’, ’sequence’
the available datasets.                                                BiLSTMLayer                         0.1
       III. DEEP LEARNING MODEL FOR                                    BiLSTMLayer        105, ’OutputMode’, ’sequence’
              LONG-TERM ELECTRICITY                                     DropoutLayer                       0.2
                       FORECASTING                                 FullyConnectedLayer
                                                                      RegressionLayer     110, ’OutputMode’, ’sequence’
Recent advancements in deep learning algorithms, such as                                                   0.2
convolutional neural net- works (CNNs) and recurrent neural                                                 1
networks (RNNs), have shown remarkable efficacy in various                                                  -
domains. Among these, the Bidirectional Long Short-Term
Memory (Bi- LSTM) model has gained significant attention                         TABLE VIII.
as an effective RNN structure for time series prediction. Ad-    TRAINING OPTIONS FOR DELHI STATE
ditionally, there is a growing trend of leveraging 1D CNNs
orcombining both 1D CNN and Bi-LSTM algorithms to en-                        Options                Values
hance forecasting accuracy. Comparative studies have consis-           GradientThreshold               1
tently demonstrated the superior performance of these models
compared to conventional statistical or machine-learning mod-            InitialLearnRate           0.001
els.                                                                       MaxEpochs                 1000
In this section, we present a comprehensive overview of the                                       ’longest’
theoretical foundations underlying these neural networks. We            SequenceLength            1 × 10-8
delve into the mechanisms and architectural details of CNNs                   Epsilon               0.0001
and RNNs, with a particular focus on the Bi-LSTM model.                                        ’every-epoch’
The aim is to provide a clear understanding of the proposed             L2Regularization              0.9
models and their potential benefits for long-term electricity                 Shuffle               0.999
forecasting in the context of our case study of Orissa andDelhi                                       0.1
States.                                                              GradientDecayFactor              10
                                                                 SquaredGradientDecayFactor       ’l2norm’
A. CNN-BI LSTM hybrid model with deep 1D modeling                                                    true
Multivariate 1D time-series signals can be accurately pre-           LearnRateDropFactor     ’training-progress’
dicted by combining a hybrid model of 1D-CNN and BiL-                LearnRateDropPeriod


                                                                 STM. This approach has been extensively studied and shown
                                                                 promising results in various domains such as weather predic-
                                                                 tion, speech recognition, stock price forecasting, and power
                                                                 usage prediction. The combinationof Convolutional Neural
                                                                 Networks (CNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
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