Page 151 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 151

147 |                                                                                                     Badr, Murdas & Aldhahab

                                                         TABLE II.

       Item Ref.    Title                Proposed          Patch     Substrate            Antenna         Application     Date
       1                                 Antenna           Material  Material             Characteris-                    2019
                                         Bowtie optical    Silver                         tics            Biological      2019
              [41]  “Potential ap-       Nano-antennas               Dielectric sub-      Wavelength      imaging and
                                                           Gold                           range (700 to   hyperther-      2020
       2            plications of        A rectangular               strate,    with      1100 nm)        mia therapy     2020
              [42]                       patch array       Gold                                           medical         2020
                    nanoshell bow-tie    of optical                  refractive indices   Infrared spec-  system.         2021
       3                                 Nanoantennas      Gold                           trum in the                     2021
              [43]  antennas for bio-                      and Alu-  of 1.5 and 1.33      wavelength      Robust
                                         Triangular        minum                          ranges from     health care
       4            logical imaging      patch Optical     Gold                           (750 nm to 1    system to
              [44]                       Nanoantenna                                      mm)             predict the
                    and hyperthermia                       Gold                                           level of
       5                                 Rectangular                                      Operated        glucose and
              [45]  therapy”             Nano-antenna      Gold                           at the near-    fructose in
                                                                                          infrared        the human
       6            “Adaptive            Rectangular                 Transparent          region with     body.
              [46]                       Nanoantenna                 calcium fluoride     (1064 nm)
                    Method        for                                substrates           resonance       Medical
       7                                 L- shaped                                        wavelength      application
              [47]  Quantitative         optical Nano-                                    Operated        to enhance
                                         antenna                                          at the near-    tissue tem-
                    Estimation of                                                         infrared re-    perature
                                         Optical Nano-                                    gion around     control.
                    Glucose and          antenna of rect-                                 (1000nm)
                                         angular patch                                    Wavelength      Medical ap-
                    Fructose Con-                                                         spectrum        plications hu-
                                                                                          (1167nm)        man tissues.
                    centrations in
                                                                                          The antenna     Medical
                    Aqueous So-                                                           is excited      systems
                                                                                          with a pulsed   using optical
                    lutions Based                                                         sinusoidal      nanoantenna.
                                                                                          voltage of
                    on Infrared                                                           input powers    Bio-medical
                                                                                          of (20-50)      applications,
                    Nanoantenna                                                           mW              thermal
                                                                                          Operated        ablation
                    Optics”                                                               at a Plasma     therapy.
                                                                                          Frequency of
                    “Thermal re-                                     Silicon carbide      13.35 PHz       Bio-medical
                                                                     dioxide                              applications.
                    sponse of skin
                                                                     Quartz (SiO2)
                    diseased tis-                                    substrate

                    sue treated                                      Gallium Arsenide
                    by plasmonic
                                                                     Dielectric sub-
                    nanoantenna”                                     strate (glass)

                    “A Sensor Based                                  The dielectric sub-
                    on Nanoanten-                                    strate with a bi-
                    nas”                                             functional layer

                    “Design of opti-
                    cal antenna oper-
                    ating at terahertz
                    frequency for in-
                    vivo cancer detec-
                    “Design and opti-
                    mization of nano-
                    antenna for ther-
                    mal ablation of
                    liver cancer cells”

                    “Joint Nanoscale


                    and Sensing

                    Enabled       by

                    Plasmonic Nano-

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