Page 154 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 154
150 | Badr, Murdas & Aldhahab
Ref. Substrate Dielectric Freq. Gain Return
material constant (THz) (dB) losses
[26] Denim 1.5 0.0025 5.10 -20.48
281.9 —– -43.84
[43] SiO2 1.5 257.04 3.33 -54.67
1.65 —– 8.52
[45] Gallium 12.94 3.93 5.4 -54.96
[50] SiO2 3.9
Fig. 13. Several substrate materials of microstrip patch [54] Silicon 11.9
From Tables I and II, it can be noted that the most common Figure 15 illustrates how the measured gain in THz bands
materials of microstrip patch antennas are copper, However, using an optical nanoantenna, a circular patch structure con-
the substrate of materials is made of various materials such as sisting of gold, and various substrate materials can be ob-
glass-reinforced epoxy laminate material (FR4), polyamide, served.
and silicon as shown in Fig. 13.
Gold, silver, and aluminum are the most popular materials
for optical nanoantennas, however transparent materials like With the rise in the healthcare industry and medical engineer-
graphene and silicon or germanium are also employed, as ing system, wireless communication technology has enjoyed
illustrated in Fig. 14. a rich diversification in research and patents. It was accepted
that medical instruments that incorporate wireless transmis-
It can see in Tables I and II, that the construction of the sion and receiving antennas in addition to sensors be a founda-
proposed antennas was made of various materials. Hence, the tional technology for monitoring a patient’s health and hence
performance of microstrip patch antennas and optical nanoan- handling their wellness activities with higher precision even at
tennas depends mainly on the chosen substrate materials as a distance. This approach may effectively reduce the stress of
well as the operating frequency bands. medical staff, leading to better time management when they
One of the essential nanoscale communication technologies are connected to a sensor and situated on or within the human
that can support the concept of nanoantenna networks is ter- body. The following phases illustrate the many requirements
ahertz band communication. Terahertz frequency band com- that must be met during the designing process of the proposed
munication systems have been Supported for large-capacity healthcare systems using the antenna configuration:
networks and they can be applied inside the body for medical Step 1: The characteristics of the selected antenna and the de-
applications such as biomolecule monitoring and intelligent sign of the employed antenna for medical applications. Step 2:
drug delivery systems. Safety factors of the human body including human factors and
Some major properties of various antennae such as gain and the parameter of the suggested system. Step 3: The exterior
reflected coefficients with a variety of substrate materials em-
ployed in the medical system are listed as shown in Table III.
Fig. 14. Some materials of optical nanoantennas. Fig. 15. Gain of the optical nanoantennas with various
substrate materials in THz bands [54].