Page 136 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 136

132 |                                                             Fathi & Aziz

Fig. 6. Positions of the 21 hand key points [18]

                      TABLE II.

     Property               Description         Number            Fig. 7. (a – e) Geometric representation of feature set
     Line slop             slop of lines            9

Angles of knuckle             between              21
                           two knuckle
       Width        first calculate the vector      3
proximal phalanx   between any two knuckles         5
                       then find the angles         5
       length      between each two vectors.
  Finger length     proportion of palm width
                      to horizontal distance
                      between two knuckle
                   proportion of palm length
                   to proximal phalanx length
                         from each finger
                   proportion of palm length
                     to length of each finger

network model. A supervised artificial neural network that             Fig. 8. Summary of the proposed ANN architecture
was described in Section D was trained and tested using 79
right palmar images from our own established dataset belong-      proportion of correctly classified inputs, as depicted in (3).
ing to 14 families. All data were randomly split into two         The confusion matrix of the results is shown in Fig. 10 and
groups: training data and testing data, where training data       Table III. Our goal in this work is not to attain high classifi-
make up 80% of the dataset and testing data make up 20%(63        cation network accuracy, but to demonstrate the viability of
images for training, 16 for testing). 43 features were extracted  kinship identification using human hands. We aspire, through
from each image (3397 features in total) and fed into the ANN     our subsequent experiences, to improve result by identifying
for training and testing purposes. Evaluating the results of a    effective features, using data augmentation techniques, train-
classification task using a neural network involves a variety     ing the ANN model with features extracted from more than
of metrics and strategies to determine how well the model is      one aspect of the hand and using deep learning algorithms.
performing. Accuracy is a common metric that calculates the
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