Page 55 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
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51 |                                                              Hashim & Yassin

     Fig. 8. Performance results of soft voting classifier.       curve. In this work, feature selection is performed by devel-
                                                                  oping a method that combines two filtering techniques, PC
    Experiment (3): In this experiment, we use 18 features        and mutual information (PC-MI), to select the best features
obtained from the proposed feature selection method (PC-          before passing them to a classification model. The proposed
MI) where the dataset is split into 10-fold for training and      model (soft voting classifier) is used to enhance the perfor-
testing. The training data are passed to the voting classifier,   mance where it includes three models (LR, SVM and DT). A
and our proposed model is evaluated by cross-validation. Our      comparison is made between the performance of this models
proposed model’s soft voting classifier (LR, DT and SVM)          and the proposed model to prove the efficiency and strength of
exhibits 98.2% test accuracy.                                     our proposed model in the prediction process. The proposed
                                                                  methodology outperforms previous work, achieving 99.3%
    Results on Applied Side: We have proposed a methodol-         accuracy, an F1 score of 0.9922, a recall of 0.9846, a precision
ogy that can create an applied health system (web page) that      of 1 and an AUC of 0.9923. Furthermore, the accuracy of 10-
helps many health institutions in the speed and accuracy of       fold cross-validation is 98.2%. Finally, a web page is created
diagnosing the type of breast cancer tumour based on ML           using spyder and streamlit to make the proposed methodology
models. This method helps preserve the patient’s life through     workable from the practical side, thereby helping many health
early treatment and disposal of the tumour. This page is im-      institutions in the speed and accuracy of diagnosing the type
plemented using Spyder, which is a development environment        of breast cancer tumour. This study’s future goals include
that uses the Python language to create software applications.    using more feature selection techniques in conjunction with
                                                                  the WDBC dataset to improve breast cancer diagnosis. In
    Firstly, a sample of the mass in the breast is obtained, and  addition, deep learning models will also be used for breast
this sample is analysed by a specialist called a pathologist.     cancer detection.
After that the values of the required features are extracted.
The values of these features are entered into the Breast Can-                   CONFLICT OF INTEREST
cer Tumor Diagnostic website, which is built based on our
proposed model (soft voting classifier) that predicts whether     The authors have no conflict of relevant interest to this article.
the tumour is benign or malignant as shown in Fig. 9.
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