Page 59 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 59

55 |                                                                Matrood & Nassar

designed an optimal vibration controller for vehicle active         Mohamed et al. [22] designed and studied linear quadratic reg-
suspension systems. A. Pati et al. [5] designed a controller for    ulator optimal control and PID classic control to achieve half
a half car suspension system based on sliding mode control          car performance such as ride comfort and road stability. Jian
using proportional-integral-derivative (PID) sliding surface.       Wu and Zhiyuan Liu [23] presented a novel controller design
Puneet Gandhi et al. [6] used a half car active suspension          for half-cars suspension magneto-rheological by introducing
model with 4 degrees of freedom with different controllers          a piecewise control approximation model.
such as proportional, integral and derivative, linear quadratic
regulator, fuzzy and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system.             In this study, a linear half-car model in MATLAB/ Simulink
Sangzhi Zhu et al. [7] developed a new hydraulically intercon-      software is being used to compare the performance of a modi-
nected suspension with the using of fuzzy, PID and optimal          fied PID controller versus conventional PID controller. The
linear quadratic regulator controllers to control vehicle body’s    model dynamic characteristics, stability of the vehicle, the
roll motion. Daniel Rodriguez - Guevara et al. [8] proposed a       quality of shock absorption and the reduction of oscillations
novel linear parameter varying (LPV) state-space (SS) model         and vibrations have been investigated.
with a fictional input to represent nonlinear half-car active sus-
pension system. H. Khodadadi and H. Ghadiri [9] used PID,                    II. MATHEMATICAL MODELING
fuzzy logic and H controllers to control the car suspension sys-
tem based on half car. Also, a self-tuning PID controller based        The half-car model used in this study is a four degree of
on fuzzy logic is developed to improve the performance of the       freedom system. The model consists of a vehicle body with
system. J. E. Ekoru and J. O. Pedro [10] used an inner PID          front and rear suspension elements and wheels as shown in
hydraulic actuator force control loop, in combination with an       Fig. 1. To derive equations of motion for the passive half-car
outer PID suspension deflection control loop, to control a non-     suspension system, the following assumptions are considered,
linear half-car. Yanghai Nan et al. [11] proposed a fuzzy logic     as below:
control strategy for active half car suspension system which is
utilized to generate counterforce to isolate vibration from the         Pitch angle (? ) is small, springs and dampers are linear,
rough ground. Ahmet Yildiz [12] considered a non-linear sus-        tires have only stiffness with no damping property, the effect
pension design for half vehicle model by using particle swarm       of friction is neglected, and the tires are always in contact
optimization technique for optimizing the vehicle vibrations.       with the road surface.
Y. Susatio et al. [13] utilized direct synthesis method for tun-
ing PID controller gains to reduce vibration on passenger seat                        Fig. 1. Passive half-car model
caused by change in road surface profile or disturbance. L.
C. Felix-Herran et al. [14] designed and applied a fuzzy-H              By applying Newton’s second law of motion, dynamic
control, improved with weighting functions to a novel model         equations for the half-car model can be represented as follow,
of a one-half semi active suspension. G. I. Mustafa et al. [15]     taking into consideration that the static equilibrium point is
presented an optimized sliding mode controller for vibration        the origin for the displacement of the mass center and the
control of active half-car suspension systems. Muhammad             angular displacement of the car body:
A. Khan et al. [16] used feedback linearization and linear
quadratic regulator controller with a half-car model. Jimoh                MsZ¨s = -Kf (Zs - Zu f - a? ) - Cf (Z?s - Z?u f - a? )(1)
O. Pedro and Nyiko Baloyi [17] designed a direct adaptive                            - Kr(Zs - Zu f + b? ) - Cr(Z?s - Z?ur - b?? )
neural network controller to control a nonlinear half car sus-
pension system and improve ride comfort. Mohammed H.
Abushaban et al. [18] proposed a new fuzzy control strategy
for a half-car active suspension system. M. Avesh and R. Sri-
vastava [19] proposed using PID controller with an active half
car suspension system to improve ride comfort to passengers
and improve the stability of vehicle. L.V. Gopala Rao and
S. Narayanan [20] studied the performance of half car model
with optimal sky-hook damper suspension and compared it
with the performance of half car model with LQR control.
Wenkui Lan and Erdong Ni [21] applied fuzzy-PID controller
to a half car suspension system to enhance ride comfort by
reducing the body acceleration and pitch angle. Ayman H.
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