Page 52 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 52

48 |                                                                                                Hashim & Yassin

combine first to obtain the highly interrelated features with                        TABLE II.
each other and know which of these features has the highest       FEATURES DROPPED FROM THE DATASET
degree of correlation with the target class. We create a new
filter method that combines PC and MI. This method is called      No Features No                    Features
feature selection based on PC and MI (PC-MI).
                                                                  1 area worst 7 compactness mean
    Firstly, this method finds the features that have a PC value
greater than or equal to 0.89 by analysing the correlation heat   2 radius worst 8                  concavity mean
map of features shown in Fig. 4. Secondly, it works to merge
the set of interrelated features that contain common features     3 perimeter mean 9 concave points worst
into one group. Thirdly, one common feature is chosen from
each group, which obtains the highest MI value. Finally, the      4 radius mean 10                  radius se
remaining features in each group are dropped from the dataset
(Table II). Fig. 5 shows the proposed method of our work.         5 area mean 11                    perimeter se

                                                                  6 texture mean 12 compactness worst

                                                                      We note from previous table that 12 features are dropped
                                                                  from the dataset, where five features are dropped from the first
                                                                  group, one feature is dropped from the second group, three
                                                                  features are dropped from the third group, two features are
                                                                  dropped from the fourth group and one feature is dropped
                                                                  from the fifth group. As a result, we have the 18 best features.

                                                                      Table III shows that five groups are found. Each group
                                                                  contains pairs of features that are strongly connected to each
                                                                  other, and all these pairs that belong to one group have com-
                                                                  mon features. One feature from each group with the highest
                                                                  MI value is selected as the highest feature with a strong corre-
                                                                  lation with the target class.

                                                                      4) Normalizing the Selected Features: After selecting the
                                                                  best features from the dataset through the proposed method
                                                                  for feature selection, we normalise the remaining features
                                                                  using StandardScaler. The main objective of StandardScaler
                                                                  is to convert feature values into standard units free from the
                                                                  influence of the arithmetic mean and dispersion, where the
                                                                  resulting values are free from the units of measurement. It
                                                                  can be computed from eq. 3 [22]:

                                                                  Z = [X - X¯ ]/S                                   (3)

                                                                  where: • Z: StandardScaler Score

                                                                      • X: Sample
                                                                      • X¯ : Arithmetic mean

                                                                      • S: Standard deviation

           Fig. 5. Proposed feature selection method.             C. Prediction Phase
                                                                     After the pre-processing of the dataset and the selection of
    The result of the proposed method for selecting the fea-
ture is to drop 12 features from the dataset; therefore, the      the appropriate features, the dataset is ready to work with the
remaining features that will be used are only 18. We remove       ML model for making predictions. Therefore, in this section,
unimportant features that hinder the work of the ML model         we explain the mechanism for dividing the dataset, the ML
and keep the features that help the model learn correctly and     models used and the proposed model that will be used in the
give the best classification accuracy.                            prediction process.

                                                                      1) Splitting Dataset: The dataset will be split into two
                                                                  parts. The first part is the training, which is a set of data used
                                                                  in training and building the model. The second part is the
                                                                  testing, which is a set of data in which the performance of
                                                                  the model is tested using a specific scale. In this paper, two
                                                                  methods of splitting are used as follows:
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