Page 184 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 184

180 |                                                             Gaid & Ali

     Therefore, the mm-wave spectrum, with higher data rates,     design has a complex geometrical structure, modest gain, and
wider bandwidths, and faster response times, is seen as the       bandwidth.
appropriate answer to these growing challenges. The mm-
wave spectrum has a frequency range of 30 GHz to 300 GHz.             Similarly, for future 5G communication systems, the work
Utilizing mm-wave frequencies in 5G networks has several          reported in [24] proposed a substrate-integrated waveguide
advantages, including the availability of bands at 28 GHz,        (SIW) slot antenna. The antenna used a Rogers RT-duroid
38 GHz, and the unlicensed band at 60 GHz. Due to signifi-        5880 substrate with a height of 0.254 mm, a dielectric con-
cant loss in free space path loss, penetration, and absorption    stant of 2.2, and a loss tangent of 0.003, with dimensions of
losses in mm-wave communications, the same frequency can          7.5 × 27.06 × 0.254 mm3. The suggested geometry consisted
be reused repeatedly in a limited region with acceptable band-    of a central circular ring and horizontal and vertical vias. The
width efficiency. Furthermore, mm-wave communication is           designed antenna resonated at 28.13 GHz and 37.97 GHz,
naturally safe and private due to its limited transmission range  with impedance bandwidths of 231 MHz and 92 MHz, re-
and narrow bandwidth. Sophisticated antenna arrays can also       spectively. The peak gains achieved in the lower and higher
be developed and incorporated into printed circuit boards due     bands were 7.27 dBi and 8.46 dBi, respectively, with radia-
to the small physical size of mm-wave antennas [13] [14] [15].    tion efficiency of 88.25% and 86.30% in the lower and upper
                                                                  bands, respectively. However, this antenna had a large size
     Antennas are essential components of wireless communi-       and narrow bandwidth.
cation systems, and they must be designed to fit within the
confines of small mobile devices. 5G antennas must also have          In [25], a compact, single-band, bow-tie-shaped microstrip
a wide bandwidth and operate in multiple frequency bands.         patch antenna for wideband applications was described. The
Additionally, mm-wave antennas must be energy-efficient,          modified bow-tie structure was designed on top of an 8 × 8 ×
have high gain and directivity, and mitigate the effects of sig-  0.787 mm3 Rogers RT-5880 dielectric substrate with er = 2.2
nal path loss and power requirements. To meet these demands,      and tand = 0.0009, supported by a full 0.017 mm thick copper
the Microstrip Patch Antenna (MSPA) technology is the best        ground. Diagonal slots inside the geometry were provided
solution for 5G wireless networks [16] [17].                      for exact resonance. The antenna had a return loss of 25.45
                                                                  dB, a simulated impedance bandwidth of 1.88 GHz (26.81-
     MSPAs are tiny, lightweight, inexpensive to produce, and     28.69 GHz), a gain of 7.0 dBi, and a radiation efficiency of
easy to fabricate. They are also physically strong and can        74% at the resonance frequency of 27.77 GHz. Although this
be mounted on virtually any surface, making them a suit-          antenna had a small size, acceptable bandwidth, and good
able candidate for use in compact wireless devices and high-      gain, its radiation efficiency was low, and it lacked multiband
directional antenna arrays for base stations. However, MSPAs      capabilities.
have some limitations due to substrate losses, copper losses,
and surface waves, such as limited bandwidth, poor gain, and          Masood Ur-Rehman et al. [26] proposed a tri-band slotted
low efficiency [18] [19]. Therefore, several approaches are       patch antenna operating at mm-wave frequencies of 28 GHz,
available to enhance MSPA performance, including feeding          38 GHz, and 61 GHz. The suggested antenna had an overall
techniques, defective ground structure (DGS), etching slots       dimension of 5.1 × 5 × 0.254 mm3 and was supplied by a
and slits in the ground and on radiating elements, inserting      microstrip line. The antenna was built on a single layer of
metamaterial into the antenna’s patch and ground plane, mod-      Rogers RT/ Duroid 5880 printed circuit board with a thickness
ifying the form of the patch, partial ground approaches, and      of 0.254 mm, a tangent loss of 0.0009, and a relative permit-
multi-layer insulating substrates [20] [21] [22].                 tivity of 2.2. Three L- and F-shaped slots were put into the
                                                                  radiating patch. The antenna achieved peak gains of 7.2, 7.22,
     Several studies have been conducted on single, dual, or      and 6.5 dBi in the three bands, with radiation efficiencies of
multi-band mm-wave frequencies, as documented in [23] [24]        86%, 91%, and 85%, respectively. The -10 dB impedance
[25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32]. The study presented      bandwidths obtained at return losses of roughly 12, 22, and
in [23] introduced a small dual-band dolly-shaped antenna         12 dB were 0.84, 0.37, and 0.9 GHz, respectively. Despite its
(DBDSA) that resonates at 23.52 GHz and 28.39 GHz. The            tiny size, adequate radiation efficiency, and reasonable gains,
antenna utilized a 7 × 7 × 1.28 mm3 Rogers RO3010 substrate       the return losses and realized bandwidths at the three bands
with a dielectric constant of 10.2 and a loss tangent of approx-  were poor.
imately 0.0022. The DBDSA achieved an overall radiation
efficiency of 80%, with a consistent gain of 5.51 dBi in the          Fadwa Alnemr et al. [27] developed a dual-band circu-
first band and a gain of 4.55 dBi in the second band. The         larly polarized antenna that operates at 28/38 GHz operating
lower band impedance bandwidth was 1.16 GHz (23.16 GHz            frequencies. The antenna was printed on a Rogers RT 5880
- 24.32 GHz), while the upper band impedance bandwidth            substrate with dimensions of 20.4 × 26.4 mm2 and a thickness
was 634 MHz (28.078 GHz - 28.712 GHz). However, the               of 0.508 mm, with a circular hole in the patch’s center and
                                                                  four slits in the corners. Microscopic holes on the patch’s
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