Page 105 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 105

101 |                                                             Abdulzahra, Alnahwi & Abdullah

tennas can enable devices to operate at different frequency       with four PIN diodes, and the configuration efficiencies are
bands or communication protocols according to the varia-          achieved with a low-cost, lossy FR-4 substrate. In [19], a
tion of environmental conditions. The design of a frequency-      reconfigurable printed antenna for portable IoT applications
reconfigurable multimode antenna requires careful consider-       was proposed. A design for an air gap-separated smart-printed
ation of several factors, including the frequency range, size,    monopole antenna and a hexagonal matching load (HML) is
bandwidth, gain, radiation pattern, impedance matching, cost,     suggested. A coplanar waveguide supplies the patch, and two
and tuning methods. The antenna should be able to switch          PIN diodes connect the HML to the ground plane to control
between different configurations quickly and efficiently while    the surface current motion and enable antenna reconfiguration.
maintaining high performance in terms of gain, efficiency, and    A microwave frequency band-operating low-profile frequency
radiation pattern [13]. Generally, the frequency reconfigurable   reconfigurable monopole antenna was suggested in [20]. The
multimode antennas are a promising solution for wireless com-     proposed structure is printed on an FR-4 substrate, and four
munications in IoT devices, which enable devices to operate       PIN diodes are embedded between transmitting patches for
at multiple frequency bands and modes as well as their ability    exchanging the different working modes. The proposed de-
to adapt the system to the fluctuated channel conditions. Some    sign covers single, dual, and triple bands. At the appropriate
of the most important examples of IoT applications that use       resonant frequency (or frequencies), the designed antenna has
reconfigurable antennas are listed below [14], [15], [16], [17]:  a gain of 1.2 to 3.6 dBi and an efficiency of 84% and with an
                                                                  overall size of 40 × 32 × 1.6 mm3. The antenna is usable in
    1. Smart homes and buildings: Reconfigurable antennas         both IoT-enabled systems in smart cities and modern handheld
can adapt to different wireless communication standards, such     fifth-generation (5G) devices due to its relatively small size
as Wi-Fi, ZigBee, or Bluetooth to ensure reliable wireless        and its support for multiple wireless standards.
communication between IoT devices.
                                                                      In general, these studies demonstrate the potential of mul-
    2. Industrial IoT: Reconfigurable antennas can enable         timode reconfigurable antennas for IoT applications. The
wireless communication in harsh environments with high lev-       reconfigurability of these antennas enables them to operate
els of interference or signal attenuation by adjusting the an-    at multiple frequency bands and communication protocols,
tenna’s radiation pattern or frequency band.                      as well as to improve their flexibility and versatility. The
                                                                  compact size and wideband operation of these antennas also
    3. Healthcare: Reconfigurable antennas can be used in         make them suitable for various IoT devices. However, further
wearable medical devices, such as biosensors, to improve          research is needed to optimize the design and performance of
wireless communication reliability and reduce interference        these antennas and to evaluate their performance in real-world
from other sources.                                               IoT applications.

    4. Agriculture: Reconfigurable antennas can improve               In this article, a compact frequency reconfigurable antenna
wireless communication in agricultural IoT systems, such as       for IoT applications is suggested. A single PIN diode is
precision farming, by adjusting the antenna’s radiation pattern   used to modify the current of the radiating patch to ensure a
to focus the energy in a specific direction.                      wideband mode at the ON state. The OFF state of the PIN
                                                                  diode results in two monopoles with different lengths that
    The design of reconfigurable antennas for IoT applica-        make the antenna operate in dual-band mode. The diode is
tions requires careful consideration of the communication         positioned on a slit engraved on the antenna patch to change
standards, frequency bands, and environmental conditions in       the electrical length of the radiating element by altering the
which the antenna operates. The use of multimode reconfig-        distribution of the surface current according to its state. The
urable antennas for IoT applications has been the subject of      whole size of the antenna is (26×19×1.6) mm3 with two modes
extensive research in recent years. These antennas can operate    of operation. The operational range for the ON-state is (2.95-
on multiple frequency bands and communication protocols,          8.2) GHz, whereas the OFF-state provides bi-band operation
making them suitable for various IoT applications.                of 3 GHz and 6 GHz for WiMAX and WLAN applications.

    In [14], the authors propose a frequency-reconfigurable           The proposed frequency reconfigurable antenna design
antenna with a combination of an open loop filter and a hair-     steps are discussed in Section II. Section III illustrates the
pin bandpass filter. The reconfigurability is achieved by PIN     PIN diodes configurations, their states, and their operating
diodes for various switching conditions, the designed antenna     modes. In order to find the optimal parameter values for
resonates at 2.47 GHz, 7.18 GHz, 12.14 GHz, 3.42 GHz, 14.55       the proposed design, a parametric study has been carried out
GHz, and 8.4 GHz. A reconfigurable pattern multifunctional        in Section IV. The proposed antenna simulated results are
compact antenna was proposed in [18]. The feeding network         discussed in Section V in addition to a comparison with some
changes and the ground plane is used as a reflector to make       relevant works. Section VI summarized this work with a brief
the pattern changeable. To make it compatible with brand-new
Internet of Things devices, the antenna is reformed to be like a
credit card. The proposed reconfigurable antenna is achieved
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