Page 110 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
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106 |                                                                                    Abdulzahra, Alnahwi & Abdullah

                                              TABLE III.
                       The optimized parameters of the proposed antenna.

   Ref.    Size (mm3)       Coverage Bands          Operational Frequencies (GHz)        ReconfigurableTech.  Peak Gain (dBi)
   [10]       30×30    Wide, Dual and Tri band                                               PIN-diode (2)           3.7
                                                    2.17-2.35 2.64–2.85 2.62–2.93
   [14]      38 × 40           Multiband        2.13 to 3.0 6.8 to 8.36 12.039 to 13.14      PIN-diode (3)           5.6
   [18]      30 × 23     Single and dual band                                                PIN-diode (2)             3
   [24]     100×100                                            2.45 and 3.7                  PIN-diode (2)           6.5
   [25]       25×27            Single band                        2.2–3.8                    PIN-diode (2)           2.8
   [26]       50×33     Single and Dual Band                        2–6                      PIN-diode (2)           3.2
   [27]       88×88      Wide and Dual Band                        2–3.75                    PIN-diode (4)             3
   [28]      90 × 90   Wideband and multiband                        2-6                     PIN-diode (4)           3.9
   [29]      35 × 25   Wideband and dual band                                                PIN-diode (1)           2.49
   [30]     60.8 × 48  Wideband and dual band              3.1-10.6,3-4.5,4.4-6             Ideal switch (5)         NR
                       Wideband and dual band            2.76-8.21, 2.45 and 5.8
   [31]     35.8 × 35                                    2.5 -10.5, 3.31 and 5.1           metal switch (2)            4
                       Wideband and dual band
This work    26 × 19                                                3-6,                     PIN-diode (1)           1.57
                       Wideband and dual band
                                                                3.7 and 5.8

                                                                  3 and 6

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