Page 17 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
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Issa & Thabit                                                                                                                         | 13

infusion, laboratory testing, imaging, nutrition, and              provide health education films as needed and to monitor
translation services. "All the services patients are               patient information online via mobile Internet (3G / 4G),
accustomed to receiving in a hospital are delivered quickly –      however the system operates at a slow speed and offers
in less than an hour," says founder Raphael Rakowski, an           restricted services, and it is also quite small. In 2016, E. N.
engineer by background who views home acute care as a              Mambou et al. [22] described a simple and reliable method
logistical challenge rather than a therapeutic one. Similarly,     for monitoring the refrigeration temperature and medication
these long-term nursing concerns, as well as numerous              distribution in a pharmacy using a sensor connected to an
aging-related illnesses, hypertension and cardiovascular           Intel Galileo board. The sensor is used to control the
disease, to name a few, should be well-planned. As a result,       refrigeration temperature and perform medication
long-term care is becoming increasingly popular accounts           exploration within pharmacy tables. Although this approach
for a sizable portion of our nursing care at home. It is critical  provides an effective and straightforward method for
to have an aging support system that is both healthy and           monitoring medication in a pharmacy, the system suffers
secure. Technology, medical treatment, education, business         from a lack of control due to lax security measures, which
models, and marketing development have all evolved in              results in a variety of network attacks. T. Edoh et al. [23]
recent years to encourage a healthier and more active aging        proposed a new smart pharmaceutical transportation system
lifestyle. A healthy and aged system should have privacy and       in 2017 that leveraged the Internet of Things and Machine-
security, simplicity of use, and a more favorable legal and        to-Machine (M2M) technologies.
regulatory framework. Initiatives to improve health at home
[19], which can be implemented with a typical Windows                   They utilized intelligent transportation and context-
desktop PC, have emerged as commodity component trends.            aware tour optimization for the carried medical products,
Forming an intelligent assisted management living system           thereby protecting the patient from any health complications
for the elderly might, among other things, change social           caused by improperly dispersed and/or falsely exchanged
networks to keep seniors engaged with family, friends,             products. It is the only Internet of Things (IoT)-based
neighbors, and communities. Nowadays, many gadgets that            solution designed for secure transportation and medication
are an electrical indication is in charge might be considered      monitoring in order to improve treatment adherence in the
actuators, including televisions, air conditioners, and electric   case of chronic health conditions. In 2019, S. S. Arumugam
fans. A telecare system depend on lifestyle monitoring was         et al. [24] developed an automated medication dispenser that
developed with an emphasis on the elderly. Another system          is capable of being employed successfully in pharmacy by
centered on the elderly utilized the techniques of connecting      utilizing (GSM) technology. The experiment's objective is to
many individualized and environment monitoring gadgets to          provide the medication to the consumer in the shortest
deliver medical aftercare at home. With the use of                 amount of time possible (an automatic medicine dispenser
technological tools, seniors' lives could be made easier. As a     machine is developed which helps in identifying the exact
result, the housing market has begun to provide smart homes,       medicine rack and pharmacist can dispatch the medicine
as well as functional and well-equipped residential facilities,    more quickly). In 2020, R. E. Riantini et al. [24] proposed a
particularly in terms of emergency protection. Wide service        new marketing technology via a mobile application utilizing
frameworks and emergency response capabilities are critical        digital pharmacy application approaches, although it is
for users and caregivers. In order to build such a system, it is   merely a digital pharmacy application if the speed of finding
necessary to conduct research on both software and hardware        the exact drug rack is not considered.
solutions. We were fortunate in that we were able to develop
an Internet of Things system that allows for physiological           B. Baby Incubator
monitoring in real time while the elderly and those at high
risk clean, they are not often accompanied by relatives or              The study's aim is to help create a new project that will
caregivers. Based on security and protection, it's expected        be cheaper, while also providing better usability. This
that the number of elderly and high-risk disease users will        chapter introduces the key ideas and projects that preceded
decrease. As a result, they miss out on relaxation and become      this one.
more sluggish. Numerous research papers in the topic of
smart drugstore automation covers various strategies. This              In the [26] Complaints from physicians and child nurses
section discusses the prior work that was done to develop the      may be common when the incubator is used to care for
smart pharmacy system. In 2010, A. J. Jara et al. [20]             infants. The customer is displeased with the goods found in
presented a method for investigating relevant problems in the      incubators at hospitals. Broadly speaking, baby incubators
drug store system through the use of IoT technologies and          are rejected because of improper designs. To cope with these
Web access via smart phones. The 6LoWPAN technology is             concerns, the researchers use the Quality Function
utilized in this research to care for patients who require         Deployment (QFD) approach to help decide which product
worldwide data collecting in hospitals. Utilizing this             features are of high importance. As the beginning point for
technology will reduce errors, improve service quality, and        the QFD process, consumers' requirements and wants guide
enable a plethora of applications in healthcare, but it will       the QFD work. Because of this, QFD is known as the voice
only support certain cases. D. H. Kuo et al. [21] proposed a       of the consumer. While consumers aren't always pleased
smart drug under medical services in 2015 to keep                  with a product even if the thing has been properly made, the
pharmacists and family members informed about senior               fundamental idea is that customers are never happy. During
patients' suppository. They merged the APP and ICT to              the course of constructing Team of newborn incubator, a
                                                                   low-cost neonatal incubator for poor countries hospitals,
                                                                   baby formed the [27] Team Incubator.
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