Page 15 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 15

Issa & Thabit                                                                                                                       | 11

Internet of Things is projected to improve remote health         the elderly at home or on the move [17]. Patients' chances of
monitoring systems in healthcare. Patients can be monitored      survival can be increased by monitoring them throughout the
at home using remote health monitoring technologies. These       early stages of their diseases. Additionally, it will assist
introduced systems a goal to achieve higher level quality        healthcare providers in reacting quickly in the event of a
services treatment at a lower cost to individuals and roles of   catastrophic medical situation a heart attack or a diabetic
governments with not jeopardizing the level of quality           situation, for example. Electronic-health-records (EHRs) are
indicates to the healthcare supplied. The usage of method        now digitally feasible via the Internet of Things, therefore
remote monitoring device enables the measurement of a            remote monitoring systems may contribute in the decrease of
patient's biological signals throughout his or her daily         medical errors (IoT). EHR retrieval and access are easier and
activities. This kind of device allows for the gathering of      more organized now that they are available digitally. Not
medical information and distinct signals from patients'          only will this help to reduce medical errors, but it will also
bodies themselves, such as heart concept rates, from a           allow for speedier data access while maintaining access
distance. Enhancing the quality of treatment and services        control credentials. Personal area networks (PANs) are also
also has a number of benefits, including greater reliability,    used in IoT applications in healthcare. Individuals can use
accessibility, frequency, accuracy, and availability. A remote   wearable technology like a wearable technique smart sensor,
monitoring system driven by the Internet of Things may           a smart of wrist gadget, or a smart of watch to monitor their
detect changes in a person's physical condition and track        bodily functions in a PAN. Wearable modern technologies in
important medical signals.                                       health-care are rising in tandem with technology and the
                                                                 Internet of Things. As a result of this technological
    Other systems and entities, such as healthcare               evolution, individuals will be able to monitor many elements
professionals and medical facilities, will be able to access     of their health. These health factors include blood pressure
this data in real time, and the data obtained by this system     factor, sugar indicators, and insulin degree, medicine intake,
will be available on the Internet, creates several choices. For  heart-beats, sleeping-patterns, calorie consumption, and
example, depending on the analysis of EHRs obtained via          exercise levels, to name a few.
remote monitoring systems, an alert system may be
developed. The system can be set to alert healthcare experts         The IoT's capabilities in these areas are immense. Remote
and emergency personnel in the event of a medical                access to this information will enable healthcare
emergency, family members, and other appropriate persons.        professionals to administer therapy if necessary. This
Furthermore, the system can provide insight into a monitored     facilitates information sharing and self-management of
person's health situation, allowing for the provision of         health conditions, as well as illness early detection. As a
necessary help as early as feasible, potentially saving          result, Internet of Things (IoT) healthcare applications
patients' lives. In addition, Internet of Things (IoT) services  incorporate a variety of sensors types and monitoring used
may be of assistance with illness surveillance, discovery,       devices. All devices are typically parallel and connected in
prevention, and treatment at an early stage [16].                order to facilitate information sharing [18,19]. Figure 1
                                                                 illustrates an IoT-enabled healthcare system that offers a
    Diabetes, heart disease, cancer, convulsions, and lung       variety of healthcare services. It shows how to build an
difficulties are only a few examples. Such diseases typically    Internet of Things system that integrates the following
demand ongoing monitoring of the body's actions, which           healthcare subsystems:
means the patient must be constantly monitored.
Historically, medical practitioners and healthcare workers           • The Personal Area Network (PAN) for Healthcare is
have been tasked with the responsibility of constantly           an application that allows you to connect with personal
monitoring patients' cases. However, patient monitoring is       devices via a closed or local area network. Wearable devices,
considered costly and ineffective. For instance, the doctor is   for example, can be used to track and manage an individual's
unable of maintaining full attention on a single patient at all  case health.
times. The collection of Body Sensor Networks (BSN) with
all other means of IoT health systems is one real example of         • Elderly Monitoring Concept: The application uses a
possibility the IoT can improvement patient monitoring. For      group of sensor employed devices to keep track of the health
instance, a BSN system may monitor a patient's bodily            of an elderly individual. The device may also collect
activities via using a biodegradable processor or by the use     information about the elderly's physical activity, such as
of many wearable wirelesses of biosensor sensors. This chip      nutrition and sleep patterns. The method, in particular,
or biosensor gadget will be able to monitor a patient's vital    enables healthcare experts and vocations to monitor the
signs. They detecting any abnormalities in the patient's state   health of elderly persons in real time. It uses alerting and
functions and communicate them to the IoT system. After          notification mechanisms in the event of an emergency, such
that, the IoT system can take appropriate event, such as         as automatically contacting an ambulance.
informing a health-care expert. Additionally, it enables
healthcare providers to achieve more accurate diagnoses and          • Smart Medicine Mechanism: is a drug administration
communicate together patients. The case of emergency, the        application. It ensures that patients take the right prescription
health-care modified can seek assistance from an ambulance       at the right time and dose as advised by their doctor.
team, depending on how the system is configured. As a
result, IoT health monitoring systems can be thought of as an        In addition, if a patient fails to take his or her prescription
ecosystem of ambient intelligence aimed at providing a           as prescribed, the system can alert a physician.
platform for remote monitoring and assistance to patients and
                                                                     • Community-Based HER Category: This category of
                                                                 community-based EHRs includes outpatient care and
                                                                 electronic medical consultation subsystems that automate
                                                                 health-care tasks. These subsystems collaborate to improve
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