Page 14 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 14

10 |                                                                                                                     Issa & Thabit

patient's therapy is administered at home. The IoT allows        contain data privacy policy, security level, amount of cost,
providers to integrate devices to monitor the expansion of       dependability, and accessibility. In order to boost the use of
wearable devices since the data collected by the device will     IoT in healthcare systems, a number of countries which have
be supplemented by data discarded in electronic data             established update technologies and new policies. The
recording, allowing care teams to build vision-driven            shifted the focus of this healthcare research to a more
priorities and exploit the IoT. This is another way caregiver    advantageous area to investigate. The purpose of this study
can indicate their presence in patients' daily lives by          is outlining the progress of conclude research in IoT depend
monitoring who is at home for chronic conditions [8]. Not        on healthcare applied systems and to conduct a
only has the Internet of Things increased human                  comprehensive review of the technology, services that
independence, but it has also expanded human ability to          introduced, and all applications that enable them.
engage with the external environment. The Internet of
Things has become a big contributor to global                                         II. HIOT DEVELOPMENT
communication thanks to futuristic protocols and algorithms.
It links a wide range of many devices, including wireless for        Healthcare is a critical component of society. Electronic
sensors, all home appliances, and electrical equipment, to the   health (e-health), remote monitoring systems, and home and
Internet [4].                                                    community care are all examples of electronic health (e-
                                                                 health) are examples of specialized e-health services with
    The “Internet of Things” is being used in agriculture [9],   enormous growth potential in the healthcare and
autos [10], the household, and healthcare. The IoT's             communication technology industries, to name a few. The
increasing popularity is due to its features of improved         Internet of Things presents various prospects for enhancing
precision, decrease cost, and the mount of capacity to           healthcare services and operations. The Internet of Things
forecast future occurrences more accurately. Furthermore,        encourages a more comprehensive healthcare approach by
the quick rise of the IoT revolution has been facilitated by     titling the health requirements of a population as a entire
better understanding of software and apps, as well as            rather than just individuals, with by encouraging actions that
advancements in mobile and computer technologies,                mitigate the consequences of diseases, disabilities, and
widespread availability of wireless technology, and the          unintentional injuries Integrating healthcare apps with other
expansion of the digital economy. Sensors, actuators, and        aspects of the Internet of Things also helps to ensure the
other Internet of Things (IoT) devices have been collected       long-term viability of healthcare [13]. The healthcare world
together physically devices for monitoring and share data        has determined that disease prevention is just as critical as
employ a number of protocols of communication, including         medical therapy as a result, the IoT enables the maintenance
as “Bluetooth, Zigbee, IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi)”, and others.         of sustainable settings conducive to a healthier lifestyle.
Sensors embedded in or worn on the body of human are used        Additionally, the IoT contributes to mitigating the effects of
in healthcare to collect physiological data from patients, such  climate change on the population's health and well-being.
as degree of heat, blood-pressure, electrocardiogram (ECG),      Providers and services must include sustainability concepts
and electroencephalogram (EEG) [11].                             into their operations, including as energy and water
                                                                 efficiency, as well as environmental compliance, to ensure
    Furthermore, environmental data such as many factors         the future sustainability of healthcare. Additionally, it's
first, temperature effecting, humidity rate, date factor,        critical to create environments that safeguard and promote
finally, time can be stored. These data enable the generation    community health. As a result, the Internet of Things makes
of meaningful and precise inferences about the patients'         a substantial contribution to the creation of a sustainable
health problems. Because a large volume of data is               environment, resulting in a more effective healthcare
collected/recorded from a variety of sources, data storage       strategy. Medication delivery and monitoring are only two of
and accessibility are also key components of the IoT system      the many IoT applications in healthcare that are being
(sensor devices, mobile phones techniques, e-mail, package       considered. [14].
of software, and applications). +e Physicians, caregivers, and
other authorized individuals have access to the data collected       The usage of IoT intends to increase the efficiency of
by the aforementioned sensing devices. The ability to            medicine in comparison to the past. Individuals can more
quickly diagnose patients and, if necessary, take medical        efficiently receive and exchange information regarding
action is enabled by exchanging this information with health-    ailments and treatments. The Internet of Things allows
care suppliers via cloud-server. For effective and secure        people to get real-time medical or treatment information,
transmission, collaboration between users themselves, all        which can help in illness detection and prevention. As a
patients, and the module of communication is managed to          result, it enables people to either prevent developing a
maintain. The majority of IoT project systems employ a user      disease into best or to cure it as soon as feasible. The IoT
interfacing that serves as a dash-board for medicine             health app(s)' backend system will be able to maintain track
providers, executing user controlling, data visualization        of crucial patient health information. This information is
form, and functions of apprehension. There is a lot of           referred to as Electronic Health Records in the field of e-
research in the literature that shows how the IoT system has     health (EHR) [15].
advanced in terms of healthcare monitoring, control,
security, and privacy [12]. These achievements demonstrate           As a result, combining IoT with EHR systems increases
the usefulness of IoT in the healthcare sector and its bright    healthcare-related information access and retrieval, as well
future. However, the primary worry when developing all IoT       as the accessibility and interchange of electronic health
devices are ensuring the matrices of service quality, which      records (EHRs) between healthcare facilities. In addition, the
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