Page 13 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 13

Received: 16 October 2021              Revised: 06 November 2021    Accepted: 06 November 2021
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.18.1.2
                                                                                                Vol. 18| Issue 1| June 2022
                                                                                                                         ? Open Access

Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Review Article

            Review in IoT for Healthcare in Our Life

                                                      Bayadir A. Issa1, Qabeela Q. Thabit*2
                                 1Southern Technical University, Management Technical College-Basrah, Iraq

                                       2Ministry of Education, Basrah Education Directorate, Basrah, Iraq

* Qabeela Q. Thabit
Ministry of Education,
Basrah Education Directorate, Basrah, Iraq

Over the previous decade, significant research has been conducted in the field of healthcare services and their technological
advancement. To be more precise, the Internet of Things (IoT) has demonstrated potential for connecting numerous medical
devices, sensors, and healthcare professionals in order to deliver high-quality medical services in remote locations. This has
resulted in an increase in patient safety, a decrease in healthcare expenses, an increase in the healthcare services' accessibility,
and an increase in the industry's healthcare operational efficiency. This paper provides an overview of the possible healthcare
uses of Internet of Things (IoT)-based technologies. The evolution of the HIoT application has been discussed in this article in
terms of enabling technology, services of healthcare, and applications for resolving different healthcare challenges.
Additionally, effort difficulties and drawbacks with the HIoT system are explored. In summary, this study provides a complete
source of information on the many applications of HIoT together the purpose is to help future academics who are interested in
working in the field and making advances gain knowledge into the issue.
KEYWORDS: Internet of things, Healthcare, Body Sensor Networks, Smart Emergency System.

                         I. INTRODUCTION                            pertaining to an emergency since the Internet of Things
                                                                    ensures the all relevant data is considered while making
   Remote monitoring, smart sensors, and medical device             patient-friendly decisions [4].
integration are all used in IoT applications in the healthcare
industry in addition to activity trackers, wearable biometric           Additionally, it can be used at home to keep track of
sensors, blood sugar and blood pressure monitors, drug              medicine compliance and patient health [5]. As healthcare
dispensers, and smart beds [1]. If the Internet of Things is        expenses continue to climb, prevention has become a
developed and invested in, the future of healthcare will be         significant focus area, and universal access to achieve high-
bright, as this technology will improve a component of              resolution real-time data on everyone's healthy will go to
healthcare while also changing how it is managed. Because           healthy care confirm by supporting people in overcoming
health-care necessitates the Internet of Things, a number of        sickness. Improving patient participation and satisfaction,
responses provide a realistic and practical great picture of the    such the IoT has been shown to improve patient satisfaction
IoT's role in the sector and convert data to measurements.          by expediting surgical progress [6]. By allowing patients to
Because it can be improved more efficiently, measurable             spend more time communicating with their doctors,
health, also known as health statistics, may be the future of       reporting a patient's exit from the operation room to his
health care treatment. Because it is commonly understood            family can improve patient participation. It also minimizes
that data has an impact on performance, it is prudent to take       the need for communicating directly between the doctor and
use of quantitative health technology. One of the reasons for       the patient, as internet-connected devices provide essential
the IoT's importance is the ability to assess persons and           data [7].
follow their health in order to provide better results [2].
Improving the health of patients, notably through the use of            The objective is to contribute to preventive medicine, as
patient-specific wearable gadgets. It alerts patients when          wearable gadgets that monitor sleep, perspiration,
their heart rate fluctuates or if they are falling behind in self-  temperature, and exercise allow show concern teams to
care, and it shares this information with by updating the           accumulate millions of data points and connect them with
personal health data of tech-savvy individuals on other             individual fitness levels. As a result, the data acquired by
devices [3]. The cloud does away with the requirement to            sensors can be used to provide patients real-time
store data locally manually enter data convert into records         notifications. Event-triggering messages, such as alerts or
                                                                    triggers, can really cause people's heart rates to rise. This will
                                                                    not only speed up the process, but it will also ensure that the

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering by College of Engineering, University of Basrah.                                                  9
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