Page 20 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 20

16 |                                                                                                                      Issa & Thabit

real and virtual world via the use of sophisticated               Medical Things (IOMT) are both important to today's
communication and data collection technologies. The               challenges. The number of resolved cases can be enhanced
existence of this cause results in IoT being a critical area of   and improved by following to the criteria and utilizing the
study in the twenty-first century. Other IP-based wireless        IOHT/IOMT services.
technologies such as Wi-Fi have enabled the development of
a broad range of WSN applications including environmental              The Internet of Things (IoT) is a cutting-edge
monitoring, forest fire warning, and home automation. This        technology that ensures that everyone affected with this virus
study was done to see whether a remote-control incubator          is confined. Having a proper monitoring system in place
could be created to monitor the temperature and oxygen            during quarantine is beneficial. All high-risk patients can be
levels of premature infants.                                      easily tracked thanks to the internet-based network system.
                                                                  This technique is employed to obtain bio-metric data such as
                  IV. IOT against COVID-19                        blood level pressure, heart rate, and blood glucose range. We
                                                                  should anticipate to see an increase in medical staff
     The Internet of Things (IoT) was a very well network of      efficiency while also lowering their workload if this
integrated pervasive computing, digital, and mechanical           technology is used correctly. In the event of a COVID-19
equipment that can transmit data at any level without             pandemic, the same may be done with less expenses and
requiring human intervention. A unique identification             errors. The Internet of Things is a cutting-edge technical
number or code is assigned to each of the devices listed          framework for combatting the COVID-19 epidemic that may
above. IoT is a well- constructed and proven technology           be overcome important obstacles during a lockdown. This
which that acts as a central center for a variety of techniques,  method is helpful since it permits real-time statistics and
real-time analytics, machine learning concepts, and sensory       other essential information about an afflicted people to be
products, among other things. In addition, the Internet of        recorded [35]. The primary procedures taken by IoT to
Things is recognized in everyday life and also the usefulness     produce COVID-19 are depicted in Fig. 2. IoT is used in the
of products or apparatus that meet persons' real-life             initial stage to collect health data from the afflicted patient's
requirements in a range of methods, for example, home             many locations and manage it all through a virtual
protection equipment, intelligent illumination arrangements,      management system [36]. This technology supports in data
and many others that are easily controlled via smart speakers,    control and subsequent follow-up on the received report. The
smartphones, and other devices [33].                              internet of things concept relies on a network of connected
                                                                  devices to ease data flow and exchange. Additionally, It
     During the the prevailing pandemic crisis, COVID-19 is       allows social workers, patients, and civilians to communicate
being fought by all regions, especially India, and a realistic    with one another service benefactors for the purpose of
and cost-effective solution to the difficulties is still being    talking and cooperating on any issue. Thus, by implementing
sought that have emerged due to a range of factors. Engineers     the introduced IoT approach in the COVID-19 epidemic,
and scientists working in the physical sciences are working       medication identification that performs and suspicious cases
to meet these issues by developing new theories, describing       may be ensured. The majority of them, civilians, are now
novel research problems, developing user-centered                 aware of the coronavirus's symptoms. The cluster can be
explanations, and educating both themselves and the general       discovered much more readily by developing an informed
public. This brief description was created to raise awareness     group within a connected network. Additionally, a specific
about this groundbreaking technology method and its               smartphone application can be designed to aid the less
possible petition in the COVID-19 epidemic. The Internet of       fortunate [37].
Things (IoT) is a platform of networked devices and
processes that are equipped with the necessary network                 The controller, i.e. doctors, physicians, caregivers, etc.,
elements such as hardware, software, network connectivity,        must receive accurate reporting of symptoms and recovery in
and any other electronic/computer methods to assist in data       order to opt out of the impressive move and optimize the
manipulation and collecting. If we expand on IoT a little         entire quarantine period. Thus, in order to combat and
further, it’s a concept that underpins the complete               educate civilians in regard to COVID-19 epidemic, the
architectural framework that, in the end, allows for the          Indian the federal government possesses established a smart
seamless integration and data exchange here between patient       mobile application targeted at establishing a connection
who wishes help and the wireless carriers. The bulk of            between critical health-care services with Indian people.
problems currently come as a result of ineffective patient        Similarly, China has launched e Close Contact (English
reachability, which is the second most important issue after      translation) as a smartphone application for its residents.
vaccine development [34]. The implementation of the IoT           This type of application notifies the user of their proximity
idea improves patients' reachability, which ultimately aids in    to a corona positive test. So that exceed caution can be
providing them with important care to assist them recover         exercised before going to step up. At the end of April 2020,
from this sickness. Globally. Every day, the number of            U. S. government will make a comparable smartphone app
affected patients grows, creating an urgent want to exploit       available to its citizens. Following China region, Taiwan is
the right-equipped and infrastructures that are well-             perhaps the most predictable of the group country in terms of
organized made possible by the Internet of methodology of         COVID-19 cases. In order to protect the community's health,
things. Additionally, IoT has previously been used to             Taiwan quickly militarized and adopted specific tactics for
accomplish the requested goals in a variety of fields where       coronavirus case identification, suppression, and resource
the Internet of Healthcare Things (IOHT) and the Internet of      distribution. The catalog was utilized to kick-start the
                                                                  construction of big data for analytics, since it generated real-
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