Page 22 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
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18 |                                                                                                                     Issa & Thabit

RF architecture to be utilized for both receiving and sending    readers who are interested in not only beginning their
by electrically reversing the RF chain between receive and       research but also improving their understanding of HIoT
transmit. This would be possible because to a complicated        equipment will receive a comprehensive overview of the
combination of clever intermediate frequency selection and       devices.
ultra-fast switching. In addition, Bristol-based SRT Marine
Technology Ltd has received a patent for a radio transceiver                          CONFLICT OF INTEREST
that allows numerous transceivers to share a single antenna,
lowering installation costs and time (GB patent no.                   The authors have no conflict of relevant interest to this
2460012).                                                        article.

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