Page 11 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 11

Kadhim & Al-Darraji                                                                                                    |7

images with several shots and different angles and              attack with different cases. Table 4 illustrates the accuracy of
directions.                                                     face recognition for several situations.

      Furthermore, they can only be seen by the Viola-Jones     ? Case 1: when training the CNN model using original
face detector. The LFW dataset was next processed, and               image and testing with original and distorted images.
Figure 13 displays a sample of the post-processing results.
                                                                ? Case 2: when training the CNN model using original
                                                                     and distorted images and testing with original images.

                                                                ? Case 3: when training the CNN model using original
                                                                     and distorted images and testing with original and
                                                                     distorted images. However, the proportions are varied
                                                                     with respect to accuracy.

Fig. 13: Some Face Images of Different Subjects of the LFW            As for the final merge experiment, training is done in
                              Database.                         three cases:

      To set up our experiments, our system is implemented      ? Case 1: when training the CNN model using original
using Python 3.7 language and then using the programs of             and testing with original images and all distorted images
the Anaconda Navigator and Spyder 4.1.4 environment on               of three types of attacks are FGSM, Deep Fool, and
an Intel (R) 2.20 GHz Core (TM) i7-8750H CPU with 12.0               PGD to obtain a medium accuracy.
GB of RAM running Windows 10. So, the test is conducted
on five experiments, and each experiment includes, in the       ? Case 2: when training the CNN model using original
train set and test set, a different number of images. Table 3        and all distorted images of three types of attacks are
illustrates the number of images in the train set and test set       FGSM, Deep Fool, and PGD and testing with original
for each experiment.                                                 images, and the accuracy was high.

  B. Results                                                    ? Case 3: when training the CNN model using original
                                                                     and all distorted images of three types of attacks are
      In all experiments, the CNN is trained with images             FGSM, Deep Fool, and PGD and testing with original
generated using three types of attacks. The performance of           and all distorted images and the accuracy is close to the
the proposed CNN is evaluated to recognize the difference            accuracy of the original images.
between original images and adversarial images with the use
of a Rmsprop optimizer for perturbation optimization.                 In addition to our network, the database was trained
However, the first experiment is by training the CNN model      using VGG-16 and VGG-19 network; however, the results
using the original image set. Therefore, the accuracy           obtained were not very accurate compared to our model
obtained for the testing set is approximately 95%.              which was of high accuracy in distinguishing between faces
                                                                in original and distorted images.
      While the second experiment is by training the original
and distorted images using the FGSM, Deep Fool and, PGD

                                                   TABLE 3

                                     NUMBER OF IMAGES IN EACH EXPERIMENT

Experiment            No. original   No. original                   No. image       No. image (original  No. image (original
                     image in train  image in the                  (original &        & distorted) in    & distorted) in train
   Clean                                                        distorted) in test         train set
   FGSM                     set         test set                                                              set & test set
 Deep fool                                                              set
    PGD                                                                                                              -
   Merge             720 363                                    -                   -                              5389
                     720 363                                    1799                3590                           2154
                     720 363                                    718                 1436

                     720 363                                    718                 1436

                     720 363                                    2517                5026

                                                   TABLE 4


Experiment            Train set (Original)     Train set (Original)                 Train set (Original  Train & Test
                     & Test set (Original )  & Test set ( Original &                  & distorted) &     (Original &
   Clean                                                                              Test (Original)     Distorted)
   FGSM                                              Distorted)
 Deep fool                                                                                                       -
    PGD              95% -                                                          -                         93%
   Merge                                                                                                      97%
                                     - 54% 89%                                                                95%
                                     - 70% 94%

                                     - 94% 95%

                                     - 60% 93%
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16