Page 111 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
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Majid & Ali                                                                                                                        | 107

generator. This results in a CGAN composite model trained         including quicker and earlier identification of any diseases.
to generate fake images for COVID and Non-Covid classes.          Through sounds, texts or images, the Deep Learning model
Resized generated images to (128 × 128 × 1) and normalized        learns the classification tasks directly. The DL model can
with the range [0, 255] to [1, 1] during the image preparation    achieve an accuracy that exceeds the level of human
stage. (The technique of Normalization for changing the           performance. The proposed deep learning model detection is
capacity of image pixels.) Its solution is to transform an input  a CNN model. In the customized CNN model conation of X-
image into a set of pixels that are more recognizable or          rays image as the input layer convolution layers, Relu
natural to the human eye. The optimizer function Adam is          activation functions employed after the convolutional layer
employed [34]. Adam is simple, works with sparse gradients,       to activate the layers, Max pooling layers, fully connected
takes up minimal memory. As a result, Adam was chosen as          layers, and for output layer, sigmoid activation functions are
the optimizer. For CGAN training, the hyperparameters are         applied to predict the test image into COVID-19 and Normal,
being used in Table II.                                           which was trained using the optimizer an Adam just ten
                                                                  epochs, the learning rate is 0.001. The loss function was
                              TABLE II                            categorical cross-entropy, all models were trained until
The hyperparameters are being used in the CGAN model.             convergence. the network was trained with batch size 32 to
                                                                  input images with only 6,552,898 parameters,
             Hyperparameters          values                      Comparatively, the proposed model utilizes less memory
                                                                  than ResNet-50, a commonly used deep learning model that
Batch Size                            256                         employs 23,567,299 parameters for comparison.
                                                                  However, the DropOut is 0.5, which is essential in avoiding
Learning Rate (LR)                    0.0002                      overfitting issues of the proposed method.

The Adam optimizer's momentum (Beta)  0.5

number of epochs                      20000

Sample interval                       5000

     The model takes around two hours, forty-seven minutes,
and six-second to train and generate images. Loss functions
optimize the GAN is Binary Cross-Entropy (BCE). in the
design of Table III, all training, validation, and testing data
results are achieved.

                          TABLE III                               Fig.9: Model for COVID-19 detection using a proposed
Image numbers of Covid-19 X-rays collection with the                                            CNN.

                      CGAN technique.

Main Dataset        Training Validation Testing
                       set set set
                                                                                               TABLE IV
                                                                  The hyperparameters are being used in the Customized


Original dataset    370       176     41                          Hyperparameters     values

                                                                  optimizer           Adam

Original dataset +                                                Learning Rate (LR)  0.001

traditional         2511      717 359                             momentum (Beta)     0.5

augmentation                                                      number of epochs    10

                                                                  Batch Size          32

Original dataset+   1970      563     281                                VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
proposed CGAN
                                                                       The recommended model was trained on python Google
Original dataset +  4892      1398    698                         colab storage than Pro with an increased graphics processing
    traditional                                                   unit (GPU) and supported GPU learning using the package
                                                                  and library of TensorFlow machine learning. Colab pro
 Augmentation+                                                    Gradient provides paid-tier instances of the NVIDIA M4000
proposed CGAN                                                     and NVIDIA P5000 and instances up to V100. The proposed
                                                                  model has been evaluated in three distinct scenarios: the first
3) Deep Learning Model                                            utilizes the original chest X-rays dataset to augment
                                                                  traditional augmentation techniques, the second uses
     With the aid of medical image classification and             the CGAN model, and the third scenario combines the two
detection, Deep Learning models have achieved substantial
advancements in various digital image applications,
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