June 2017
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Transmission Pricing Practices: A Case Study |
N.K.Garg, D.K.Palwalia, Harish Sharma |
Pages: 1-9 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.1 |
Abstract: |
This paper presents a case study on transmission pricing practices. Now a days, restructuring of the power system market through deregulation is gaining attention as technical and economical benefits at generator and user. In India, after the Electricity Act 2003, restructuring has been introduced in the Indian power system market. Researchers are continuously working towards improvement of deregulation based on restructuring to improve transmission pricing practices and calculations in a better way. Therefore, this paper presents an overview of MWMile and postage stamp methods to estimate the transmission cost. Further, the North Indian practical power system of 37 bus test system has been analyzed by reverse, absolute and dominant Mw-Mile methods. The results obtained to be expected for deregulated power market. |
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Equal Incremental Fuel Cost Approach for Multi Area Operation of Power System |
Sudhakar A V V, Karri Chandram, Jaya Laxmi A |
Pages: 10-16 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.2 |
Abstract: |
This paper presents a novel approach, Equal Incremental fuel cost (λ-Concept) approach, for solving Multi Area Economic Dispatch (MAED) problem. It is a simple approach and developed from the basic observation of incremental fuel cost of an area. The proposed approach has been tested on 4-area system with four generators in each area and a large 2-area system consists of 120 generators. The suggested algorithm has been tested extensively by considering the different tie line power transfer limits and useful recommendations are provided. Further, the impact of tie line power transfer limits on total fuel cost is also discussed. It is found from the test cases that the proposed method is shown to be robust, very fast and extensible to include a large class of problems. The simulation results of the proposed method have been compared with the existing methods. |
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Voltage Collapse Optimization for the Iraqi Extra High Voltage 400 kV Grid based on Particle Swarm Optimization |
Wafaa Saeed, Layth Tawfeeq |
Pages: 17-31 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.3 |
Abstract: |
The continuously ever-growing demand for the electrical power causing the continuous expansion and complexity of power systems, environmental and economic factors forcing the system to work near the critical limits of stability, so research’s stability have become research areas worthy of attention in the resent day. The present work includes two phases: The first one is to determine the Voltage Stability Index for the more insensitive load bus to the voltage collapse in an interconnected power system using fast analyzed method based on separate voltage and current for PQ buses from these of PV buses, while the second phase is to suggested a simulated optimization technique for optimal voltage stability profile all around the power system. The optimization technique is used to adjust the control variables elements: Generator voltage magnitude, active power of PV buses, VAR of shunt capacitor banks and the position of transformers tap with satisfied the limit of the state variables (load voltages, generator reactive power and the active power of the slack bus). |
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Modeling and Control of Torso Compass Gait Biped Robot with AI Controller |
Abbas H.Miry |
Pages: 32-37 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.4 |
Abstract: |
This work presents the mathematical model for a torso compass gait biped robot with three degrees of freedom (DOF) which is comprised of two legs and torso. Euler Lagrange method’s is used to drive the dynamic equation of robot with computed control is used as a controller. The relative angles are used to simplify the robot equation and get the symmetry of the matrix. Convention controller uses critical sampling to find the value of KP and Kv in computed controller, in this paper the Genetic optimization method is used to find the optimal value of KP and Kv with suitable objective function which employ the error and overshoot to make the biped motion smooth as possible. To investigate the work of robot a Matlab 2013b is used and the result show success of modeling. |
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Survey: Internet of Thing Using FPGA |
Noor Kareem Jumaa |
Pages: 38-45 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.5 |
Abstract: |
Everything in its way to be computerized and most of the objects are coming to be smart in present days. Modern Internet of Thing (IoT) allows these objects to be on the network by using IoT platforms. IoT is a smart information society that consists of smart devices; these devices can communicate with each other without human’s intervention. IoT systems require flexible platforms. Through the use of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), IoT devices can interface with the outside world easily with low power consumption, low latency, and best determinism. FPGAs provide System on Chip (SoC) technique due to FPGAs scalability which enables the designer to implement and integrate large number of hardware clocks at single chip. FPGA can be deemed as a special purpose reprogrammable processor since it can process signals at its input pins, manipulate them, and give off signals on the output pins. In this paper, using FPGA for IoT is the limelight. |
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Real Time Sticky Bomb Detection System Based on Compass Device and Arduino Board |
Sameer Hameed Majeed, Noor Kareem Jumaa, Auday A.H. Mohamad |
Pages: 46-52 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.6 |
Abstract: |
This paper presents a new strategy of sticky bomb detection. The detection strategy is based on measuring the magnetic field around the targeted car using compass device. A compass measure the earth gravitation of the car as (x,y,z) coordination , a threshold value of magnetic fields around the targeted car are recorded. If a difference is detected with any (x,y,z) coordination, an alert SMS message is sent to the car’s owner. The detection system presented in this paper has been implemented based on Arduino board. The alarm signal is a Short Message Service (SMS) through Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) module. The proposed method can gives the people of unstable countries a chance to discover whether their cars have been trapped with an IED bomb or their car still safe. |
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Effect of Temperature Variations on Strain Response of Polymer Bragg Grating Optical Fibers |
Hisham K. Hisham |
Pages: 53-58 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.7 |
Abstract: |
This paper presents a numerical analysis for the effect of temperature variations on the strain response of polymer optical fiber (POF) Bragg gratings. Results show that the dependence of the Bragg wavelength (λB) upon strain and temperature variations for the POF Bragg gratings is lies within the range of 0.462 – 0.470 fm με-1 °C-1 compare with 0.14 – 0.15 fm με-1 °C-1 for the SOFs Bragg gratings. Also, results show that the strain response for the POF Bragg gratings changed on average by 1.034 ± 0.02fm με- 1°C-1 and on average by 0.36 ± 0.03fm με-1°C-1 for the silica optical fiber (SOF) Bragg gratings. The obtained results are very important for strain sensor applications especially in the environments where the temperature change. |
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Combined Neural Network and PD Adaptive Tracking Controller for Ship Steering System |
Abdul-Basset Al- Hussein |
Pages: 59-66 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.8 |
Abstract: |
In this paper, a combined RBF neural network sliding mode control and PD adaptive tracking controller is proposed for controlling the directional heading course of a ship. Due to the high nonlinearity and uncertainty of the ship dynamics as well as the effect of wave disturbances a performance evaluation and ship controller design is stay difficult task. The Neural network used for adaptively learn the uncertain dynamics bounds of the ship and their output used as part of the control law moreover the PD term is used to reduce the effect of the approximation error inherited in the RBF networks. The stability of the system with the combined control law guaranteed through Lyapunov analysis. Numeric simulation results confirm the proposed controller provide good system stability and convergence. |
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Hover Control for Helicopter Using Neural Network-Based Model Reference Adaptive Controller |
Abdul-Basset Al- Hussein |
Pages: 67-72 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.9 |
Abstract: |
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), have enormous important application in many fields. Quanser three degree of freedom (3-DOF) helicopter is a benchmark laboratory model for testing and validating the validity of various flight control algorithms. The elevation control of a 3-DOF helicopter is a complex task due to system nonlinearity, uncertainty and strong coupling dynamical model. In this paper, an RBF neural network model reference adaptive controller has been used, employing the grate approximation capability of the neural network to match the unknown and nonlinearity in order to build a strong MRAC adaptive control algorithm. The control law and stable neural network updating law are determined using Lyapunov theory. |
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Mathematical Driving Model of Three Phase, Two Level Inverter by (Method of Interconnected Subsystem) |
Mohammed .H. Ali |
Pages: 73-82 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.10 |
Abstract: |
In this paper describe to mathematical analysis for a three-phase, two level inverter designs. As we know the power electronic devices (inverter) to convert the DC power to AC power (controller on output voltage and frequency level). In Industrial applications, the inverters are used for adjustable speed (AC Drives). In this paper, the mathematical analyses for inverter design are done by using Software packages C++ Builder and visual C++ |
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Design and Implementation of RFID Active Tags and Mutual Authentication Protocol with Ownership Transfer Stage |
Issam A. Hussein, Ramzy S. Ali, Basil H. Jasim |
Pages: 83-103 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.11 |
Abstract: |
Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is being used widely in the last few years. Its applications classifies into auto identification and data capturing issues. The purpose of this paper is to design and implement RFID active tags and reader using microcontroller ATmega328 and 433 MHz RF links. The paper also includes a proposed mutual authentication protocol between RFID reader and active tags with ownership transfer stage. Our protocol is a mutual authentication protocol with tag’s identifier updating mechanism. The updating mechanism has the purpose of providing forward security which is important in any authentication protocol to prevent the attackers from tracking the past transactions of the compromised tags. The proposed protocol gives the privacy and security against all famous attacks that RFID system subjected for due to the transfer of data through unsecure wireless channel, such as replay, denial of service, tracking and cloning attacks. It also ensures ownership privacy when the ownership of the tag moves to a new owner. |
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Face Recognition Approach Based on the Integration of Image Preprocessing, CMLABP and PCA Methods |
Yaqeen S. Mezaal |
Pages: 104-113 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.12 |
Abstract: |
Face recognition technique is an automatic approach for recognizing a person from digital images using mathematical interpolation as matrices for these images. It can be adopted to realize facial appearance in the situations of different poses, facial expressions, ageing and other changes. This paper presents efficient face recognition model based on the integration of image preprocessing, Co-occurrence Matrix of Local Average Binary Pattern (CMLABP) and Principle Component Analysis (PCA) methods respectively. The proposed model can be used to compare the input image with existing database images in order to display or record the citizen information such as name, surname, birth date, etc. The recognition rate of the model is better than 99%. Accordingly, the proposed face recognition system is functional for criminal investigations. Furthermore, it has been compared with other reported works in the literature using diverse databases and training images. |
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Neural Network-Based Adaptive Control of Robotic Manipulator: Application to a Three Links Cylindrical Robot |
Abdul-Basset A. AL-Hussein |
Pages: 114-122 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.13 |
Abstract: |
A composite PD and sliding mode neural network (NN)-based adaptive controller, for robotic manipulator trajectory tracking, is presented in this paper. The designed neural networks are exploited to approximate the robotics dynamics nonlinearities, and compensate its effect and this will enhance the performance of the filtered error based PD and sliding mode controller. Lyapunov theorem has been used to prove the stability of the system and the tracking error boundedness. The augmented Lyapunov function is used to derive the NN weights learning law. To reduce the effect of breaching the NN learning law excitation condition due to external disturbances and measurement noise; a modified learning law is suggested based on e-modification algorithm. The controller effectiveness is demonstrated through computer simulation of cylindrical robot manipulator. |
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Wireless Controlled Smart Home System |
Bilal Naji Alhasnawi, Basil H.Jasim |
Pages: 123-137 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.14 |
Abstract: |
In recent years popularity of smart Home has been increasing due to low price and simplicity through tablet and Smartphone connectivity. It is an automation of house or home activity. Raspberry Pi3 is a small computer with digital input output capability and it was introduced in 2016; input/output ability besides the availability of all computer features make this system very suitable to be central unit can for smart home. Smart Home may contain centralize controller which control heating, lightning, ventilation in the home, HAVC( Heating, Ventilation and air conditioning), Safety locks of gates, doors and other system to provide improve comfort, better energy efficiency and security. The aim of this Paper is to develop a smart home application using RPi3, wemose-d1 and GSM. Programming has been developed in C++ in wemose-d1 and Python environment for RPi3 operation. The MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport protocol) technologic used to connect between raspberry pi3 and nodes. |
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Multi-Pulse Diode Rectifier for More-Electric Aircraft Applications: Parallel versus Series Topologies |
Ahmed A. A. Hafez, Ali M. Yousef |
Pages: 138-144 |
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.13.1.15 |
Abstract: |
This article analyzes thoroughly the performance of the Multi-Pulse Diode Rectifiers (MPDRs) regarding the quality of input/output voltage and currents. Two possible arrangements of MPDRs are investigated: series and parallel. The impact of the DC side connection on the performance of the MPDRs regarding the operation parameters and rectifier indices are comprehensively examined. Detailed analytical formulas are advised to identify clearly the key variables that control the operation of MPDRs. Moreover, comprehensive simulation results are presented to quantify the performance and validate the analytical analysis. Test-rig is set up to recognize the promising arrangement of MPDRs. Significant correlation is there between simulation and practical results. The analytical results are presented for aircraft systems (400Hz), and power grid systems (60Hz). This is to study the impact of voltage and frequency levels on the topology type of MPDRs. In general, each topology shows merits and have limitations. |