Page 285 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 285
281 | Alrudainy, Marzook, Hussein & Shafik
Algorithm 1 PCPG and DVFS Based WLC Metrics. 6
× 109
Input: power, performance counter readings including (unhalted Energy efficiency (IPS/Watt)
CPU cycles, memory access, instruction retired); 4
Input: Parameters: urrH =0.11, nnmipcH =0.35, nnmipcL=0.25; 2
Output: WLC type, PCPG, and DVFS; 1
Compute: urr, and nnmipc;
1: If: urr = urrH ;
2: WLC type = LA; -?(Class 0: Low-Activity)
3: Allocated single LITTLE core;
4: DVFS fA7=Min.;
5: Else if: nnmipc > nnmipcH ;
6: WLC type = CI; -? (Class1: CPU-intensive)
7: Allocated cores A15 cores alone;
8: DVFS fA15=Max.;
9: Else if: nnmipcL < nnmipc < nnmipcH ;
10: WLC type = Mixed; -?(Class2: Combination)
11: Allocated cores big. LITTLE cores;
12: DVFS fA15=Max. & fA7= Max.;
13: Else if: nnmipc < nnmipcL;
14: WLC type = MI; -? (Class3: memory intensive)
15: Allocated cores A7 cores alone; Ondemand governer WLC+DVFS [15] Proposed PCPG based
16: DVFS fA7=Max.; WLC +DVFS
17: end if;
Fig. 4. IPS/Watt measured for the proposed PCPG based
the advantages of switching off the big cores which causing WLC, MLR+WLC, and only ondemand governor exercised
the highest dark silicon related power consumption. These re- on odroid XU3 platform.
sults illustrate about 110% improvements of energy-efficiency
(IPS/Watt) over the ondemand governor, while improvement tributing to significantly mitigate dark silicon effect occurring
of 37% has been reported in comparison to WLC+MLR ap- due to an implementing of Moore’s Law technology scal-
proach published in [11]. ing. In this work, IPS/Watt has been improved 37 to 110%
Exercising of cannel, CPU-intensive application, using our for memory intensive workload compared to published work
proposed approach can achieve 10 to 100% improvement over in [11], and ondemand governor, respectively.
the WLC+MLR and ondemand governor, respectively. Mixed
memory and CPU-intensive concurrent application shows In conclusion, the combination of heterogeneous many-
slighter energy efficiency improvements of 12 to 2% for can- core platform and workload classification plays substantial
nel+Bodytrack and cannel+streamcluster respectively. This is role in revolutionize the way we approach energy-efficient
attributed to the fact that application behavior fluctuated from computing, making it a fundamental driver for a more sustain-
one class to another causing of high energy consumption in able and powerful future in the world of computing technology.
the power switch network which outweigh its energy saving For future work, PCPG based WLC can be implemented on
at some interval of exercising the application. Therefore, our GPU to drastically reduce energy consumption, hence signifi-
proposed approach can achieve significant energy saving on cant energy saving can be improved.
minor fluctuated application, which rarely move from one
class to other. CONFLICT OF INTEREST
The authors have no conflict of relevant interest to this article
can be used.
Emerging of heterogamous many-core platform offers promis- [1] H. Esmaeilzadeh, E. Blem, R. St. Amant, K. Sankar-
ing solution for ever increasing demands of energy-efficient alingam, and D. Burger, “Dark silicon and the end
mobile computing system. Using power gating technique of multicore scaling,” in Proceedings of the 38th an-
based workload classification coupled with core allocation nual international symposium on Computer architecture,
and DVFS, these platforms can effectively minimize energy pp. 365–376, 2011.
consumption and optimize resource utilization. Thereby, con-