Page 289 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 289

285 |                                                                                                         Abdulabbas & Salih

the technique employed to regulate the inverter. Typically, the                         C2
control process consists of two main objectives: producing ac-
tive states and generating shoot-through states. While the first                    L1  -+     L2
task is accomplished by typical control methods, the latter can           iL1             vC2
be readily achieved using the simple boost control technique       vin
outlined in [9].                                                                        D iL2 + S1            S3 S5                       ioa Loa

    The qZSI investigations focus on single-phase grid-linked                                                                    Lia iia                  vga
systems [10–12], uninterruptible power supply systems [13–
15], three-phase grid-tied systems [16], [17], and three-phase                          C1 +            a                       Lib iib          iob Lob       vgb
four-leg uninterruptible power supply systems [18]. A control                                                   b                                     ioc Loc   vgc
approach is proposed in [10] for effectively managing a grid-                                   vC1  Vdc
tied cascaded multilevel qZSI solar power plant. The proposed                                  -          S2               c Lic iic
control method, as described in [11], effectively reduces the                                                 S4 S6
necessary capacitance value in the impedance network by im-
plementing improved modulation and double-frequency ripple                                           -         +                           C+ b   +
suppression techniques. In [12], a hybrid pulsewidth modula-                                                                              vb-c
tion (HPWM) technique is suggested, which mixes the pulse-                                                    vac Ca                             vcc  Cc
width modulation and pulse-amplitude modulation schemes.
The current ripple damping control is introduced in [13]. The                                                   -                                  -
control methods described in references [12]and [13] result in
a decrease in the required inductance and capacitance values            Fig. 1. The overall configuration of a three-phase
in the impedance network. However, in all of the aforemen-         quasi-Z-source inverter (qZSI) connected to a grid with an
tioned approaches suggested for single- and three-phase grid-
tied systems, the Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) is connected                                   LCL filter.
to the grid using an L filter instead of an LCL filter.
This work investigates the suitability of using a Lyapunov-           II. MATHEMATICAL DEPICTION OF THE
function-based control technique to regulate a three-phase                                    SYSTEM
grid-tied qZSI with an LCL filter. The LCL filter is widely
recognized for introducing two extra poles into the system,        Fig. 1 depicts a three-phase grid-tied LCL-filtered quasi-Z-
which poses challenges in designing the control technique          source inverter (qZSI). The mathematical representations of
due to the potential for instability and the need for resonant     the quasi-source network and voltage source inverter are pro-
damping. Ensuring global stability for such a system is crucial    vided in the subsequent sections.
because of the inherent stability difficulty with the LCL filter.
A recent study [19] has demonstrated that the control approach     1) Quasi-Z-Source Inverter Circuit modeling
based on Lyapunov functions ensures global stability of the
three-phase grid-tied LCL-filtered VSI, even when subjected        Similar to the conventional ZSI, the qZSI also has two op-
to significant perturbations deviating from the operational        erational states on the DC side: the active state (which in-
point. The inverter current and capacitor voltage reference        cludes the six active states and two conventional zero states of
are determined by a proportional-resonant (PR) control mech-       the traditional VSI) and the shoot-through state (where both
anism. In contrast to the work described in reference [19],        switches in at least one phase conduct simultaneously). When
this study proposes a method to establish inverter current and     observed from the DC side, the inverter bridge behaves like a
capacitor voltage references of three-phase inverter by employ-    current source in cases of the active state. Two states can be
ing basic equations derived from synchronous reference frame.      represented by their respective equivalent circuits, which are
The capacitor voltage and inductor current reference of qZSI       illustrated in Fig. 2. The shoot-through state is not allowed
are produced by a two proportional-resonant (PR) controller        in the conventional Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) due to the
that is linked to the output of the primary controller manip-      risk of short-circuiting the voltage source, which might result
ulating the inductor current error, with the inverter current      in device damage. The qZSI and ZSI, when combined with
reference being generated by the initial proportional-resonant     the LC and diode network, alter the functioning of the circuit,
(PR) controller. Theoretical considerations are validated using    enabling the shoot-through state.
computer simulations.                                              For general analysis, the input voltage, vin, is selected as the
                                                                   system input, which is related to the input current, iL1. The
                                                                   reason for this is that RES does not possess the same rigid
                                                                   output characteristics as an ideal voltage source or current
                                                                   source. In DC-side modeling, the three-phase inverter bridge
                                                                   and external AC load are simplified as a single switch and
                                                                   current source connected in parallel [20]. The asymmetric
                                                                   quasi-Z-source network has four state variables: The currents
                                                                   flowing through the inductors are denoted as iL1 and iL2, The
                                                                   voltage over the capacitors vC1 and vC2. The independent load
                                                                   current, iload, operates as an additional input or disturbance
                                                                   to the quasi-Z-source network. Select vC1 and i (also known
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