Page 241 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 241
237 | Ahmed, Alsaif & Algwari
junction solar cell technologies [4]. The great majority of QD- cylindrical dots, as well as the alloy composition, are taken
IBSC prototypes created up until this point have utilized type - into consideration as we analyze the behavior of various char-
I QDs. Many materials have a two-step absorption mechanism, acteristics and features of a multiple quantum dots solar cell
including the InAs/GaAs QD system [5], GaAs/AlGaAs [6], (MQDSC) structure in this work [21].
and InAs/AlGaAs [7], has been extensively studied experi-
mentally. Recently, one single InAs/GaAs QD with the same III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
method was reported [8–12]. The most crucial characteristic
that provides measured energy levels is the quantum effect. A. Mathematic Theory Approach
This type of material’s dimensions and form can be altered Basic semiconductor equations had to be solved in order to
to customize its electrical and optical characteristics. The assess the performance of the solar cell; these equations have a
distinction between these sorts is the quantity of the limited real-valued function. The following equations, which explain
directions. Utilizing quantum dot solar cells is one of the the physical models utilized for this simulation, can be used
strategies used most frequently to improve the effectiveness of to describe solar cell operation [22]:
photovoltaic conversion in solar cell technology. among the The Poisson equation, which connects charge to electrostatic
most energetic study areas when it comes to third-generation potential, is the governing equation. Equation (1) contains the
solar cells at the moment is quantum dot solar cells. When Poisson Electrostatic Potential equation [23].
compared to a quantum well, a quantum dot has stronger
3-dimensional quantum confinement effects [13]. d2E (1)
dx2 = ?/e
where rho being the charge density (, and epsilon is
V. Aroutiounian created the p-i-n quantum dot model in 2001. the substance permittivity. Equation (2), which is derived
To enhance the current, Inside the i-layers, he produced several from the charge neutrality equation, can be written as the
layers of quantum dots. Quantum confinement phenomenon dopant fully ionized.
quantizes the energy level in quantum dots, which has been
crucial to understanding quantum dots [14]. It would seem ? = q(p - n + ND+ - NA-) (2)
fair to think about whether a low dimensional structure, such
a quantum dot p-i-n structure, could offer a fresh method Equation (2) yields equation (3) when it is combined with
for solving the challenge of high-efficiency solar cells [15]. equation (1) [23]
These solar cells’ drawbacks include inter dot gaps’ effects
on electrical states, transportation properties, array shape, or- d2E = q(p - n + ND+ - NA-)/e (3)
der and disorder, and quantum dot orientation [16]. Actually, dx2
the existence of very few atoms in a quantum dot, where
excites are restricted to a considerably smaller space on the The second equation is a continuity equation, which is also
order of the exciting Bohr radius of the material, which causes known as a governing equation because it considers genera-
quantum confinement. Charge carriers (holes and electrons) tion, recombination, drift, and diffusion simultaneously. The
are quantum-confined in the variable-size quantum dots that continuity equation for the change in electron and hole con-
make up the i-layer, which increases the material’s effective centration is represented by equations (4) and (5) [23]:
band gap [17]. Numerous studies have focused on type-I
InAs/GaAs QD solar cells, which can extend the spectral re- ?n = Gn - Rn + 1. ? Jn (4)
sponse to longer wavelengths beyond the GaAs absorption ?t q ?x
edge [18, 19]. The type-I QDs feature strong carrier recom-
bination in addition to high optical absorption due to the ?p = Gp - Rp + 1. ? Jp (5)
significant electron-hole wave function overlap. Nanoscale ?t q ?x
solar cells consisting of various components and structures
have been the subject of numerous studies, with a variety of Where the current density of the electrons is Jn, while the
study findings being given. The behavior of nanoscale and current density of the holes is Jp, Gn and Gp represent the
faults in this category of substances have been the subject of rates of creation of electrons and holes, respectively, and Rn
numerous investigations, however the highest converted with and Rp represent the rates of recombination of electrons and
a documented efficiency of manufactured nanoscale solar cell holes.
has only been 19.4%, it has two times of illumination [20]. In semiconductors, electric currents are produced as a result
The shapes of the inter-dot space, the cubic, spherical, and of the movement of charges by electrons and holes. A solar