Page 224 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 224
Received: 19 October 2023 | Revised: 17 November 2023 | Accepted: 25 November 2023
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.20.2.18 Vol. 20 | Issue 2 | December 2024
Open Access
Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Original Article
Analysis of Permanent Magnet Material Influence on
Eddy Current Braking Efficiency
Ahmed M. Salman*, Jamal A.-K. Mohammed, Farag M. Mohammed
Department of Electromechanical Engineering, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
*Ahmed M. Salman
Department of Electromechanical Engineering,
University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
Traditional friction brakes can generate problems such as high braking temperature and pressure, cracking, and wear,
leading to braking failure and user damage. Eddy current brake systems (contactless magnetic brakes) are one method
used in motion applications. They are wear-free, less temperature-sensitive, quick, easy, and less susceptible to wheel
lock, resulting in less brake failure due to the absence of physical contact between the magnet and disc. Important factors
that can affect the performance of the braking system are the type of materials manufactured for the permanent magnets.
This paper examines the performance of the permanent magnetic eddy current braking (PMECB) system. Different
kinds of permanent magnets are proposed in this system to create eddy currents, which provide braking for the braking
system is simulated using FEA software to demonstrate the efficiency of braking in terms of force production, energy
dissipation, and overall performance findings demonstrated that permanent magnets consisting of neodymium, iron, and
boron consistently provided the maximum braking effectiveness. The lowest efficiency is found in ferrite, which has the
second-lowest efficiency behind samarium cobalt. This is because ferrite has a weaker magnetic field. Because of this,
the PMECBS based on NdFeB magnets has higher power dissipation values, particularly at higher speeds.
Eddy current Barking, Magnetic flux density, Braking efficiency, Permanent Magnetic.
I. INTRODUCTION tions [4]. In Fig. 1, the concept consists of a powerful magnet
and a rotating metal plate. As the magnetic flux changes due
The safety of motorized vehicles heavily relies on brakes, to the rotation, eddy currents are generated on the wheel [5].
which are responsible for reducing or stopping the vehicle’s These currents move toward the wheel’s rotation and create
speed when needed. However, traditional friction brakes a force that opposes the rotation, causing a decrease in the
can cause issues such as excessive temperature and pressure, wheel’s speed. ECs are generated by Lenz’s law, and electro-
cracking, and wearing out, resulting in brake failure and harm magnetic induction is used to identify the direction of induced
to the user. Alternative braking technologies are in high de- current [6]. The resulting current dissipates the kinetic energy
mand to improve braking performance. One such technol- of the wheel, converting it into heat and eventually bringing
ogy is Electromechanical brakes (EMB), which offers quick- it to a halt. With permanent magnet eddy current braking
response braking, efficient fuel consumption, environmental (PMECB) systems, permanent magnets generate eddy cur-
sustainability, simple maintenance, and enhanced safety de- rents in a conductive braking material, eliminating the need
sign [1–3]. Additionally, Eddy’s current braking systems use for a power source [7]. PMECB systems are more reliable
electromagnetic induction for precise and effective braking, and require less maintenance than conventional friction-based
potentially improving energy efficiency, reducing wear on braking systems [8]. In [9], the electromagnetic theory be-
brake components, and enhancing safety in various applica-
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©2024 The Authors.
Published by Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering | College of Engineering, University of Basrah. | 220