Page 8 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 8

4|                                                                              Leabi

             If ( ),                                                                       TABLE I.
    Vary attractiveness (RE) with distance r (SH) via move          REPRESENTATION OF PARADIGM SYMBOL
firefly I towards J;
    (Represent distance from node to sink (SH) and (RE) and         SYMBOL                REPRESENTATION
find best f(n) value)                                               ET X , ERX  Power depletion for broadcasting data,
    Evaluate new solution and update light intensity; (update                   send and receive
energy exhaustion for each node)                                    pktlength   No. bits for either packet
                                                                    Eelec       Per bit power depletion, set to 50 nJ/ bit
             End If                                                 Eamp        Per bit per meter square power depletion,
          End for J                                                             set to 100pJ/bit/m2
       End for I
    Rank fireflies and find the current best; (find the optimum                           V. RESULTS
       End while                                                    The simulation is achieved for the mentioned topological zone
       Post-processing the results and visualization (use the       area. The result of the submitted routing is compared by Di-
optimum path)                                                       jkstra method, Fuzzy routing method [13], and ACO routing
    End                                                             method [14]. Dijkstra routing method is well known tech-
                                                                    nique. It involves determining shortest path from node to sink.
The following equation states the update formula [16].              sometimes it called shortest path algorithm. So, the same path
                                                                    from nodes to sink is involved. This makes the use of some
Xit+1  =  Xit  +  ß0e-?  ri2j  (X  t  - Xit )  + at eit  (2)        nodes continually and except others. This will enhance the
                                   j                                reach to network partition quickly. The mention of Dijkstra
                                                                    routing algorithm is to make a comparison with classical rout-
Where; Xi is the initial population of fireflies, r is distance, ?  ing algorithm. Lifetime is evaluated by alive nodes no. out of
is the light absorption coefficient, ß is the attractiveness, a     either round. Some network metrics is compared for the two
is a randomization parameter, is a vector of random numbers         routing protocols like lifetime, partition time, and PDR.
drawn from a Gaussian distribution or uniform distribution.         Fig.2 illustrates the zone area of randomly scattered nodes.
                                                                    This area has dimensions of 100mx100m. A 100 randomly
           IV. EXPERIMENTAL SETTING                                 scattered nodes for either topological area. The topological
                                                                    area has one fixed sink with position of (90mx90m).
   Simulation is achieved by using MATLAB. A 100mx100m              Fig.3 demonstrates network lifetime with regard to both zones
topological zone area is used in the simulation. A 100 ran-         till network partition. The figure. shows that the proposed
domly scattered nodes for the topological zone area. The topo-      routing algorithm beat Dijkstra, Fuzzy, and ACO methods.
logical area has one fixed sink with position of (90mx90m).         Furthermore, demonstrates maximization with lifetime equal
Each node work with max transmission distance amounting             to 2781 round with PDR 0.993. while Dijkstra routing rank
to 30m. Each node starts with initial energy amounting to           1001 round with PDR 1, Fuzzy routing rank 1932 round with
0.5J. The used value of packet length is amounting to 200-bit.      PDR 1, and ACO routing rank 2259 round with PDR 1. Round
The hop count limit has the value of 15 hops. The values of         is sample of time that all nodes send packets to sink. Further-
w1 and w2 are 0.2 and 2, respectively. The first order radio        more, optimal path is reached and energy consumption is
paradigm submitted via [17] is used for simulation as follows:      balanced for the suggested FFA routing method. Network par-
                                                                    tition is fast for Dijkstra routing due to the use of same paths.
ET X (pktlength) = Eelec * pktlength + Eamp * pktlength * d2 (3)    Fuzzy and ACO methods involve balanced energy exhaustion
                                                                    but partition time is less the suggested FFA routing. And
ERX (pktlength) = Eelec * pktlength                      (4)        this demonstrates the improvement of the proposed routing
                                                                    algorithm. Table II states lifetime, partition time, with PDR
Table I explain symbols for this paradigm.                          for results and for the four submitted methods.
To evaluate this routing method packet delivery ratio (PDR)         Fig.4 demonstrates residual energy for the compared rout-
has been involved. Routing protocol is good with PDR is             ing algorithms for the submitted areas. The suggested FFA
more than 0.96 percent. The PDR can be calculated using the         routing algorithm has residual energy lower than the other
following equation [13],[14].                                       methods due to use of more nodes and energy consumption
                                                                    lead to balance. And this reflect energy consumption is Dijk-
PDR =  No. o f Success f ully delivered Packets to Sink  (5)        stra routing is not balanced. Fuzzy and ACO methods have

               Total No. o f Packets Sent
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13