Page 6 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 6
2| Leabi
increase network lifetime. The suggested algorithm used multi-objective parameters cost
In this paper an adaptive routing method is suggested. The function which depends on energy and distance of nodes. The
main goal of the suggested method is guarantee energy exhaus- distance function is used for optimizing the location of mobile
tion balance and maximize network lifetime. The suggested nodes in network. The node with nearest distance and highest
algorithm introduces new improved routing algorithm using energy is selected. Results show better connectivity and an
firefly optimization technique. The algorithm suggests deter- improvement in network lifetime.
mination of optimal path from nodes to sink so that energy is Muhammad F. et al. [11] proposed a dynamic firefly mating
balanced which will leads to maximize network throughput algorithm for implementing FFRP routing protocol for un-
and lifetime. derwater WSNs which is used for monitoring applications.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II demonstrate The algorithm is used for finding the optimum path for send-
related work. Section III demonstrates suggested method. ing data by self-organizing method in large scale networks.
Section IV states experimental settings. Section V demon- Multi hop routing is considered in these networks. Simulation
strates simulation results. Section VI states the conclusion. results demonstrates that the suggested routing scheme has
improve the network reliability and efficiency by balancing
II. RELATED WORK load traffic.
The work proposed by Q. Ding et al. [12] suggested a routing
The design of energy efficient system is the primary con- protocol that based on machine learning algorithms. The hy-
sideration in WSNs. Routing protocols is widely used in pothetic manners of ML are used for making the decision for
WSNs to minimize energy exhaustion and maximize network path selecting criteria. The decision is established using MDP
lifetime. Routing techniques is responsible for finding the method, then the ML algorithms has used to formulate the
optimum path to send packets from sensor nodes to sink. The optimum solution. Simulation results showed that the network
feasible routing protocol is related for finding the optimal reach high efficiency and rank high throughput metrics.
path while ensuring minimum energy consumption. Finally, S. Leabi and T. Abdalla [13] proposed an adaptive fuzzy logic
network lifetime is prolonged. Prolonging network lifetime routing algorithm for maximizing lifetime in wireless sensor
has gained significant interest in recent years. networks. The fuzzy logic is used to find the optima path to
K. R. Sharma et al. [7] proposed a firefly algorithm which its send packets from sensor nodes towards the sink. They pro-
mission to solve routing algorithm in WSNs. The algorithm pose a fuzzy algorithm to find the optimum path from sensor
used a simplified cost function that uses the packet drop factor nodes to sink in a manner that ensure energy consumption
with residual energy. The suggested algorithm is compared balance. This manner ensure that the lifetime is prolonged
with BAT algorithm. The results showed that the proposed and thruputs are increased. Results show an increase in net-
algorithm is better than BAT algorithm in terms of throughput, work lifetime compared with classical methods. The proposed
PDR and packet loss ratio. algorithm is intelligent and efficient and regarded as new in-
The work proposed by K. Gupta and Amandeep [8] proposed troduction in the area of routing protocols in WSNs.
an algorithm that uses the firefly optimization for hierarchal S. Leabi and T. Abdalla [14] proposed a swarm intelligence
clustering network problem. The algorithm has been applied routing protocol for maximizing lifetime in WSNs. This pro-
for finding the best cluster head in homogenous or heteroge- tocol involves using ant colony algorithm (ACO) as routing
nous paradigm. The algorithm is repeated every time period method to find the optimum path from nodes to sink. This
to find the best clustering distributing of sensor nodes. The method ensures that the optimum path from sensor nodes to
results showed an improvement in network stability and how sink is reached along with balancing energy consumption. Bal-
network is improved when using LEACH and TEEN proto- ancing energy consumption led to prolong network lifetime.
cols. Results show a great increase in network lifetime compared
R. Elavarasan and K. Chitra [9] suggested a firefly algorithm with shortest path methods. This method is intelligent and
for solving the localization problem in WSNs beside using an efficient and can be regarded for new area of routing methods.
optimized routing. This work is implemented in three stages
which are the clustering stage, optimum routing stage, and III. THE PROPOSED METHOD
nodes mobility is applied. The main objective of this algo-
rithm is adopting how clustering mechanism is optimized to The suggested routing protocol comprise firefly algorithm.
find better node location to implement better link quality with The purpose of this technique is reach energy consuming
work balance. Simulation results show an improvement in balance to enforce maximization of net lifetime. Firefly algo-
network life time and throughput. rithm is hired to compute optimum route for transmitting data
The work proposed by Mamatha K. and Kiran M. [10] pro- from sensor nodes toward sink. In this paper we suppose a
posed a firefly algorithm for self-organizing in mobile WSN. scheduling that mimics time driven routing. This means every