Page 7 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 7

3|                                                                                                                   Leabi

node can send packets to sink with optimum path within time        represent the movement of a firefly to another).
cycle. Using this schedule, the optimum route determination
involving sending data packets for whole nodes is reduplicate      f (n)  =      w1 * RE(n)/w2 * SH(n)               (1)
in either round. The submitted methodology involves fixed                    ?Ni=1(w1 * RE(n)/w2 * SH(n))
area dimensions. The nodes are randomly deployed in this
field. whole nodes have full information concerning their          Where; w1 and w2 are the weights for used metrics, RE is the
locations and neighbor’s locations under sending distance fur-     remaining energy, SH is the shortest hop, n is the current node,
thermore location of base station. The supreme transmission        N is the total number of feasible nodes (FN). This function is
range and the initial energy are identical for whole nodes.        considered for seeking for best next hop for the current node.
Efficiency and reliability of energy direction are the most        Firefly insect make flashes for short time out of a process
WSNs design challenges. Managing energy exhaustion rep-            called bioluminescence. It is involving the attractiveness of
resent a crucial challenge for WSNs design. It awards the          possible prey or partner as well as for the matter of tip off
network lifetime which is the most substantial metric for          against predator. This makes the intensity of twinkle becomes
WSNs evaluation. We can define the net lifetime, period from       a substantial parameter for other firefly insects. Firefly algo-
net start running until first sensor deplete its power. The life-  rithm demonstrated using three laws [15]:
time is the extreme design defiance in WSNs. One of the            1) Fireflies of any gender could make attractiveness for other
substantial techniques that is used to maximize lifetime is by     firefly. 2) An attractiveness factor is considered which lean on
developing network routing algorithm.                              brightness of the twinkle, so as fireflies move towards more
This paper submits a developed routing algorithm. The pro-         attractive ones. 3) The brightness of fireflies is calculated
posed routing utilized by using two metrics. The first is node     through an objective function. In this formulation, the resid-
residual energy, and the second is the shortest hop to sink.       ual energy is attributed to the attractiveness. The proposed
The submitted algorithm taking charge of determining the           algorithm compute function rates for feasible nodes. Accord-
optimal route from nodes towards sink and ensuring balanc-         ing these values, the algorithm selects the feasible node that
ing energy consuming. Balancing energy exhaustion leads to         rank max rate for selecting as next hop. Then join it into
extend network lifetime. So, the suggested routing technique       OPT list with in same time flag it identical for current node.
involve finding the optimum route that ensure nodes energy         The submitted method subsequently checks the current node
exhaustion balance.                                                insomuch as inside base station domain. True case makes
The global structure of the submitted methodology is demon-        process finish with best route identical to OPT listing. False
strated within Fig.1. The submitted methodology acts as            case makes current one is then use submitted methodology
details that follows. In time a node desire transmits packets      for determination next optimum node to send packet. The
toward sink, the algorithm collects all neighbor nodes firstly,    submitted method reiterated for every one desire send data.
and by a mechanism it finds the feasible nodes (FN) for every      The algorithm selects the node that has highest probability
sensor node and collect back the bad ones. The feasible neigh-     value calculated using the fitness function.
bor nodes would give a share in latter process that returning      Yang [16] is the first who inserted Firefly algorithm. This
optimum route for broadcasting packets. Feasible nodes miss-       method simulates the interaction of fireflies using their flash-
ing in which at least one node means that there is no path for     light. All fireflies are assumed as unisex in this algorithm.
sensing data packets and network partition has been reached.       This mean that any firefly can attracted with any either firefly
Feasible nodes are chosen as the nearest nodes to the sink         depending on others brightness. The algorithm is stated below.
with regard to current node. The submitted algorithm uses
the firefly algorithm to find the optimal path from nodes to           Algorithm: The intended firefly algorithm [16]
sink by utilizing two metrics, the residual energy and short-
est hop to sink. firefly algorithm involves using two metrics,         Begin
light intensity and distance to other fireflies. In the proposed          Objective function
algorithm light intensity will represent residual energy (RE)             Generate an initial population of fireflies (represent
and distance (SH) will represent the distance of nodes to the
sink. Sending data packet will represent firefly’s movement        scattered nodes in the zone area)
from one to another. Probability fitness function takes into              Formulate light intensity I so that it is associated with
consideration these two metrics. The following fitness func-
tion is proposed and is considered in the simulation. So, the      (light intensity (attractiveness) represent node residual energy)
algorithm determines highest probability value from the feasi-            Define absorption coefficient
ble nodes (FN) and select its node to send data packets (which
                                                                       While (t<MaxGeneration)
                                                                          For i=1:n (all n fireflies)
                                                                             For j=1:I (n fireflies)
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12