Page 190 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 190

186 |                                                              Gaid & Ali

in Fig. 9 (where S11 ˜ -9.85). However, if a less stringent - 6
dB threshold is considered, the bandwidth at this frequency
band will appear.

                                                                   Fig. 10. Simulated VSWR of the proposed antenna using
                                                                   HFSS and CST.

Fig. 9. Simulated S11 performance of the proposed antenna          shown in Fig. 12 (c-f), the antenna’s maximum radiation level
using HFSS and CST.                                                at 38.4 GHz is detected at - 41o/41o, while at 56GHz, the
                                                                   maximum radiation occurs at -30o/30o.
B. The Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)
VSWR is used to measure the level of impedance mismatch                Figure 13 shows the gain and efficiency of the proposed
between the feeding system and the antenna. As VSWR                antenna as a function of operating frequencies as predicted
increases, so does the level of mismatch. The ideal match          by CST. The gain ranges from 7.54 dB to 7.6 dB in the 27.9
is achieved when VSWR has an absolute minimum value of             GHz band, 5.4 dB to 6.4 dB in the 38.4 GHz band, and 7.6
unity. In this case, the simulation results show VSWR values       dB to 8.25 dB in the 56 GHz band. The gains calculated
of 1.405, 1.281, and 1.099 at frequencies of 27.9, 38.4, and       using CST and HFSS simulation software are very close, with
56 GHz, respectively, as displayed in Fig. 10 (the blue line).     maximum values of 7.96 dBi (HFSS), 7.51 dBi (CST) at 27.9
Additionally, the VSWR for the three operational frequencies       GHz, 6.82 dBi (HFSS), 6.03 dBi (CST) at 38.4 GHz, and
falls between 1 and 2, indicating that the antenna and the         7.93 dBi (HFSS), 8.17 dBi (CST) at 56 GHz, respectively.
feed line have excellent impedance matching and there are          Moreover, Fig. 13 illustrates the radiation efficiency of the
minimal reflections. HFSS and CST simulations generally            proposed antenna, which is 88%, 84%, and 90% at 27.9 GHz,
agreed, except for VSWR at 38.4 GHz, which is slightly less        38.4 GHz, and 56 GHz, respectively.
than 2 and matched S11 at the same resonance frequency
(S11 ˜ -9.85). Note that S11 = - 10 dB corresponds to VSWR         D. Surface Current Distribution
˜ 1.922.                                                           Surface current distribution refers to the varying flow of elec-
                                                                   tric current on the surface of an antenna. It is an important
C. Radiation characteristics                                       characteristic that determines the radiation pattern and effi-
The gain of an antenna is an important performance factor that     ciency of the antenna. In Fig. 14, the surface current dis-
represents its electrical efficiency and directivity. Our antenna  tribution of the suggested antenna is displayed at resonant
design exhibits a 3D gain, as shown in Fig. 11, with maximum       frequencies of 27.9 GHz, 38.4 GHz, and 56 GHz. The figure
values of 7.96 dBi, 6.82 dBi, and 7.93 dBi at the resonant         indicates that the feed line, borders of the feed gaps, and the
frequencies, respectively. The 2D radiation patterns at the        edges of the slots exhibit the highest current distribution. This
resonance frequencies for phi = 0o and phi = 90o, displayed        information is significant as it provides insights into the per-
in Fig. 12, show good consistency between the simulated            formance of the antenna and can be used to optimize its design
patterns obtained from HFSS and CST. It should be noted that,      to achieve better efficiency and radiation characteristics.
as shown in Fig. 12 (a, b), the antenna radiates the highest
power in the broadside direction at 27.9 GHz. Moreover, as         E. Comparison with Some Published Works
                                                                   Table II provides a comprehensive comparison of the pro-
                                                                   posed antenna in this paper with several recent publications.
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