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                                            TABLE II.

   Ref.    Antenna Size mm3     Frequency (GHz)        S11 (dB)           Gain (dBi)          BW (GHz)        Rad Efficiency %
    [23]       7 × 7 × 1.28        23.52, 28,39    = -43, = -30            5.51, 4.55         1.16, 0.634            87, 81
    [24]                           28.13, 37.97      - 25.3, - 11.2        7.27, 8.46        0.231, 0.090
    [25]   7.5 × 27.06 × 0.254         27.77                                                                       88.3, 86.3
    [26]      8 × 8 × 0.787          28, 38, 61         - 25.45                 7                 1.88                 74
    [27]     5.1 × 5 × 0.254           28,,38       -12, - 22, - 12      7.2, 7.22, 6.5     0.84, 0.37, 0.9
    [28]                               60.06                              7.03, 7.368                              86, 91, 85
    [29]   20.4 × 26.4 × 0.508      25.98, 28.2        - 30, -42                                0.7, 12              96, 95
    [30]     12.9 × 14 × 1.6           28, 38             - 24                8.62               12.11                82.2
This work   20 × 16.5 × 0.508     27.9, 38.4, 56                          8.63, 11.26          0.55, 1.1
             7.5 × 8.8 × 0.25                        - 24.1, - 25.5         6.6, 5.86         1.23, 1.06           95.9, 95.4
             8 × 8.5 × 0.508                         - 34.5, - 27.3     7.96, 6.82, 7.93  1.26, 1.08, 12.015            -
                                                  - 15.4, - 18, - 26.4
                                                                                                                   88, 84, 90

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