Page 135 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 135

131 |                                                                                                     Al-Furaiji, Tsviatkou & Sadiq

                                           TABLE III.


                               IN THE HSI CHANNELS FOR THE ARITHMETIC CODER
       Bit planes Partial (full) compression ratios Bit planes Partial (full) compression ratios

       (high/low) high/low of bit planes of images (high/low) high/low of bit planes of images

       15/14–0  0.5706/2.4806 (2.0414)                              14–7/6–0 119.2902/1.1660 (2.6355)

       14/13–0  15.6852/2.3152 (2.6180)                             14–6/5–0 92.6252/1.0025 (2.6136)

       14–13/12–0 31.3705/2.1498 (2.6180)                           14–5/4–0 94.0904/0.8537 (2.6491)

       14–12/11–0 47.0557/1.9844 (2.6180)                           14–4/3–0 93.4257/0.7415 (2.7321)

       14–11/10–0 62.7409/1.8191 (2.6180)                           14–3/2–0 22.6167/0.6888 (2.9558)

       14–10/9–0 78.4262/1.6537 (2.6180)                            14–2/1–0 6.5078/0.6497 (3.0008)

       14–9/8–0 94.1114/1.4883 (2.6180)                             14–1/0 3.9643/0.6073 (3.0477)

       14–8/7–0 109.7933/1.3235 (2.6191)

not effective. In other cases, the arithmetic coder provides        Fig. 3. Combined effective coding of image bit planes scheme
compression of individual bit planes and their combinations.
Moreover, when coding the higher bit planes of differences in       tive for compressing the differences of HSI channels.
the HSI channels, the arithmetic coder shows the worst results          HSI P = {P (i)}(i=0,NC-1) is a collection NC of spectral
in comparison with the RLE coder.
                                                                    channels P (i) = ?P (y, x, i)?(y=0,Y -1,x=0,X-1) of size Y × X
    When coding test images in their entirety (without sepa-        pixels and bit depth DB. Each spectral channel corresponds to
ration into bit-planes) using the arithmetic ( fAC (I (R))) and     a specific part of the spectrum.
RLE ( fRLE (I (R))) coders, the following average compres-
sion ratios were obtained: satellite images – CRAC =1.22 and            To estimate the pixel correlation of the i–th P (i) and j–th
CRRLE = 0.95 times; portrait images – CRAC =1.35 and CRRLE
=1.04 times; medical images – CRAC =1.86 and CRRLE =1.62            P ( j) HSI channels, the values of mean error MEP (i, j) are
times; landscape thermal images – CRAC =2.13 and CRRLE              used, which is calculated using (8).
=1.69 times; differences of HSI channels – CRAC =2.29 and
CRRLE =1.02 times. The comparison of these results with                                  Y -1 X-1
the data given in Tables (I, II, and III), shows that sepa-
rate coding of bit planes ( fRLE (B (r)) at r = 0, R - 1 and        MEP (i, j) = ? ? |p (y, x, i) - p (y, x, j)| / (Y X) (8)
fAC (IC (rHL, rHH )) , fAC (IC (rLL, rLH )) at rHH = R - 1, rHH >                        y=0 x=0
rHL, rLH = rHL - 1, rLH > rLL, rLL = 0) allows to increase the
compression ratio of images compared to their direct coding         where | | – is modulo operation.
( fRLE (I (R)) and fAC (I (R))).                                        Fig. 4(a) shows the dependence of MEP (i, j) on the spec-

    III. COMBINED EFFECTIVE CODING OF                               tral channel number at i = 24 and j = 0, NC - 1, NC = 68.
                    IMAGE BIT PLANES                                    To estimate the bitwise correlation of the b-th bit planes of

    To increase the lossless image compression ratio, the com-      the i–th P (i) and j–th P ( j) channels of hyperspectral images
bined effective coding is used. Its essence consists in us-         HSI, the values of mean error MEB (b, i, j) are used, which is
ing to compress the highest image bit planes or their com-          calculated using (9).
binations, several coders of various types ( fRLE (B (r)) and
fAC (IC (rHL, rHH ))), better taking into account the distribu-     MEB  (b, i,  j)  =  ?Yy=-01  ?Xx=-01  (p (y, x, b, i)  ?  p (y, x, b,  j))  (9)
tion of their values, and directly incorporate in the coding                                                    YX
result of the lower bit planes ( fNC (B (r)) at r = 0 or
fNC (IC (0, rLH )) at rLH = 0), the coding of which is not ef-      where ? – operation «Exclusive OR».
fective (? fRLE (B (r))? = Y X at r = 0 or ? fAC (IC (0, rLH ))? =
(rLH + 1)Y X at rLH = 0), as shown in Fig. 3, where fNC –
is the direct transfer function of the lower bit planes without

    Tables (I, II, and III) show that combined coding is effec-
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