Page 133 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 133

129 |                                                                 Al-Furaiji, Tsviatkou & Sadiq

planes. The efficiency of separate coding of bit planes is            Y × X of which coincides with the size Y × X of the original
analyzed in [20, 21], but only for the RLE coder [22]. The            image I (R). The values i (R, y, x) and b (r, y, x) are related by
results of studying the effectiveness of using a combination of       (1).
arithmetic and RLE-coding are presented in [21], but only for
several types of images. Insufficient study of the combined                             R-1                    (1)
approach to image coding is associated with an increase in
computational complexity: time (due to the additional cost            i (R, y, x) = ? 2rb (r, y, x)
of choosing the encoding algorithm) and spatial (due to the                              r=0
additional memory cost for implementing several encoding al-
gorithms).However, with the development of the element base,          at y = 0,Y - 1, x = 0, X - 1.
the increase in the computational complexity of coding be-
comes less critical compared to an increase in the compression            The combination of multiple rC bit planes (0 < rC < R)
ratio, especially for applications involving the transmission of      from rL to rH (rH > rL, rC = rH - rL + 1) represents a ma-
images in real time through channels with limited bandwidth.          trix IC(rL, rH ) = ?iC(rL, rH , y, x)?(y=0,Y -1,x=0,X-1), the values
In addition, it is possible to use a combination of codecs with       iC (rL, rH , y, x) of which have rC bits, will be expressed by (2).
a complex and simple structure, which leads to a relatively
small increase in computational complexity. The most inter-                                        rH          (2)
esting in this regard are arithmetic [23] and RLE [22] codecs.
The arithmetic codec is a part of the JPEG 2000 codec core            ?iC (rL, rH , y, x) = 2r-rL b (r, y, x)
and allows to achieve high image compression ratios. The                                         r=rL
RLE-codec has a relatively low computational complexity,
because it has found a widespread use as a part of various            at y = 0,Y - 1, x = 0, X - 1.
image compression codecs and archivers.                                   For a special case rH = rL, the equality holds iC(rL, rH , y, x) =

    The aim of this work is to develop the structure and study        b(rL, y, x).
the effectiveness of a combined codec for compressing images              Tables (I, II, and III) show the average compression ratios
of various types without loss in the spatial domain, based on
arithmetic and RLE coding algorithms.                                 of the bit planes of 8-bit (R = 8) satellite, portrait, medical
                                                                      grayscale, and landscape thermal images Fig. 2(a), as well
  II. SEPARATE EFFECTIVE CODING OF BIT                                as the differences of spectral channels of 16-bit (R = 16) hy-
                   PLANES OF IMAGES                                   perspectral images (HSI), as shown in Fig. 2(b). The RLE
                                                                      and arithmetic coders (AC) are used for compression. The
    To develop the structure of a combined image compression          averaging of values of compression coefficients is made on 8
lossless codec in the spatial domain, a study of the effective-       test images of each type.
ness of separate coding of bit-plane images using arithmetic
and RLE coders was conducted. The essence of separate effec-          Fig. 2. Examples of images
tive coding is to use for compression the high and low image          (a) 8-bit grayscale image; (b) differences of spectral channels
bit planes or their combinations of independent coders of the         of 16-bit hyperspectral image
same type or one coder connected to the planes alternately, as
shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Separate effective coding of image bit planes scheme              The RLE coder is applied separately for each bit plane
                                                                      ( fRLE (B(r)) at r = 0, R - 1), where fRLE – is RLE-coding
                                                                      function. Based on the resulting code size ? fRLE (B (r))? (in
                                                                      bits), the partial compression ratios are calculated using the

                                                                      expression (3).

    Bit planes B(r) are formed from the same bits of r pixels         CRRLE (r) = Y X / ? fRLE (B (r))?        (3)

i (R, y, x) of an R-bit image I(R) = ?i(R, y, x))?(y=0,Y -1,x=0,X-1)  at r = 0, R - 1, where ? ? – represents the code size calculation
and represent a matrix B(r) = ?b(r, y, x))?(y=0,Y -1,x=0,X-1),        operator.
consisting of zeros and ones (b (r, y, x) = {0, 1}), the size
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