Page 132 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 132

Received: 27 March 2023 | Revised: 7 May 2023 | Accepted: 19 May 2023

DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.19.2.15                                      Vol. 19 | Issue 2 | December 2023

                                                                       Open Access

Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Original Article

Separate and Combined Effective Coding of Bit Planes of

                         Grayscale Images

                            Oday Jasim Mohammed Al-Furaiji*1, Viktar Yurevich Tsviatkou2, Baqir Jafar Sadiq2
                                       1Computer Science Department, Shatt Al-Arab University College, Basra, Iraq

                             2Department of Infocommunication Technologies, Belarusian State University of Informatics
                                                                    and Radioelectronics, Minsk, Belarus

*Oday Jasim Mohammed Al-Furaiji
Department of Computer Science,
Shatt Al-Arab University College, Basra, Iraq.

  Currently, an approach involving a coder with a combined structure for compressing images combining several different
  coders, the system for connecting them to various bit planes, and the control system for these connections have not been
  studied. Thus, there is a need to develop a structure and study the effectiveness of a combined codec for compressing
  images of various types without loss in the spatial domain based on arithmetic and (Run-Length Encoding) RLE-coding
  algorithms. The essence of separate effective coding is to use independent coders of the same type or one coder connected
  to the planes alternately in order to compress the higher and lower bit planes of the image or their combinations. In this
  paper, the results of studying the effectiveness of using a combination of arithmetic and RLE coding for several types of
  images are presented. As a result of developing this structure, the effectiveness of combined coding for compressing
  the differences in the channels of hyperspectral images (HSI) has been established, as hyperspectral images consist of
  multi-spectral bands, instead of just the typical three bands (RGB) or (YCbCr) found in regular images. Where, each
  pixel in a hyperspectral image represents the entire spectrum of light reflected by the object or scene at that particular

  Combined effective coding, Lossless image compression, Arithmetic coding, RLE coding, Bit planes, Hyperspectral

                  I. INTRODUCTION                                also the system for managing these connections, is not practi-
                                                                 cally explored at present. In the modern image compression
On images of various types, the highest compression ratio is     codecs [7–16], one processing algorithm for all bit planes is
shown by different codecs. This is due to the fact, that the     used. Indirect confirmations of the efficiency of combined
distributions of values in the bit-planes of images are differ-  coding can be found in EZW, SPIHT, SPECK codec struc-
ent [1–6]. It can also be assumed that different bit-planes of   tures [17–19], which provide separate coding of bit planes
one image can be better compressed using different codecs.       and provide the possibility of using the lower bit planes with
Thus, for images of various types (satellite, medical, thermal,  equiprobable repetition of zeros and ones without coding, as
hyperspectral, etc.), the highest compression ratios are pos-    well as in the JPEG 2000 codec structure [11], which provides
sible with various combinations of codecs of bit-planes.This     the possibility of using two algorithms for image compres-
approach involves a coder for image compression with a com-      sion lossless and lossy. However, in the considered codecs,
bined structure that combines several different coders, and      different coding algorithms are not applied to different bit
the system for connecting them to different bit planes and

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©2023 The Authors.
Published by Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering | College of Engineering, University of Basrah.                                 | 128
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