Page 136 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 136

132 |                                                                             Al-Furaiji, Tsviatkou & Sadiq

    For example, in Fig. 4(b, c, d) are shown the dependences                                                        14  (15)
of MEB (b, i, j) on the spectral channel number at i = 24, b =
{12, 5, 0} and j = 0, NC - 1, NC = 68.                                 ?CC? = ? fAC (B (15))? + ? ? fRLE (B (r))?
    Fig. 3 shows that, HSI bit planes have different correlation
properties. Higher planes determine the general form of the              + ? fAC (IC (2, 8))? + ? fNC (IC (0, 1))?
error distribution function, while lower planes practically do
not correlate and slightly affect the general form of the error   and compression ratio CRC, equal to (16).
distribution function.
                                                                           16Y X                                         (16)
    Table IV shows the most effective combinations of arith-      CRC = ?CC?
metic and RLE coders for the bit planes of the four differences
of adjacent channels of the test HSI taken from the Aviris        where ? – is the concatenation operator, which forms the
database [24], and the compression ratios CRC, corresponding      resulting code from the fragments, corresponding to bit planes
to these combinations.                                            and their combinations.

    The compression ratio for combined effective coding is            From Table IV, it follows that combined coding allows
calculated using (10).                                            to increase the compression ratio of the differences of neigh-
                                                                  boring HSI channels by an average of CRC/CRAC = 1.4 and
              RY X                   (10)                         CRC/CRRLE = 3.1 times compared to arithmetic and RLE-
CRC = S1 + S2 + S3                                                coding respectively.

where S1, S2, S3 are calculated by using the expressions (11),        The proposed rule allows to synthesize the structure of
(12), and (13) respectively.                                      HSI coder as shown in Fig. 5. It consists of a combined coder
                                                                  of differences of HSI channels and a HSI reference channel
          M                          (11)                         coder. The combination of arithmetic and RLE coders as a
                                                                  part of the coder of the differences of HSI channels differs
S1 = ? ? fRLE (B (r (m)))?                                        from the effective combinations considered in Table IV, which
        m=1                                                       leads to a decrease in compression ratio, but does not require
                                                                  the use of additional switching and control units in codecs.
          N                          (12)                         The gain in the compression ratio of the differences of the
                                                                  neighboring HSI channels is on average CRC/CRAC = 1.2 and
?S2 = ? fAC (IC (rL (n) , rH (n)))?                               CRC/CRRLE = 2.6 times compared to arithmetic and RLE-
        n=1                                                       coding, respectively. To encode the HSI reference channel,
                                                                  the arithmetic coder is used, to which 12 high-order bit planes
        P-1                          (13)                         of the reference channel are fed, and 4 lower-order bit planes
                                                                  are directly transferred to the resulting code. This structure
S3 = ? ? fNC (B (p))?                                             follows from an analysis of the effectiveness of separate cod-
         p=0                                                      ing of bit planes of HSI channels, which shows that, as a rule,
                                                                  from 2 to 6 lower bit planes are not compressed using the
at R = M + N + P, rH (n) > rL (n), M = 0, N = 0, P = 0,           arithmetic coder.
where M – is the number of bit planes encoded using the
RLE coder; N – is the number of bit planes encoded using              In Tables V, VI are shown the compression ratios of the
the arithmetic coder; P – is the number of bit planes, directly   higher and lower bit planes for the 24th spectral channel of
transferred to the resulting code.                                16-bit HSI-1, as shown in Fig. 6, and HSI-2 with dimensions
                                                                  of 2048×614 and 1024×614 pixels, respectively.
    Based on the Table IV, the following rule of combined
coding of differences of neighboring HSI channels is pro-             Tables V and VI, show that the coding of the lower bit
posed, which determines the formation of the resulting code       planes of the spectral channels in some cases is not effective
CC: it is necessary to use the arithmetic coder for the highest   and the compression ratio of the HSI can be increased by
sign plane and bit planes 8–2, the RLE coder – for bit planes     using the lower bit planes without coding.
14–9, transfer without coding – for bit planes 1–0, which is
determined by (14).                                                   The arithmetic coding (AC) blocks are considered the
                                                                  most computationally complex elements of the HSI coder.
  CC ? fAC (B (15)) ? fRLE (B (14)) ? · · · ? fRLE (B (9)) (14)   They are operating at frequencies Y XCAC f and Y XCAC f / (N - 1)
                                                                  in the part of coders of the differences of spectral channels
       ? fAC (IC (2, 8)) ? fNC (IC (0, 1))                        and reference channel of HSI, respectively, where N – is the
it provides the code size ?CC?, equal to (15).
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