Page 130 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
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126 |                                                                                        Rashid et al.

                                                          TABLE II.
                                         COMPARISON OF SECURITY FEATURES

          Mutual Authentication          [v22] v[13] [v15] [23] [22] v[11] vProposed Scheme

          Anonymous Untraceable          v v v ×v v× v v

          Forward Secrecy                         v vvvv

          Unlinkability                  × v× v v v v

          Impersonal attack              ××                                  v

          Protected from a Stolen PDi Attack × v× v× v× ×v ×v v
          Insider Attack                 × vvvv

          Key Agreement and Freshness    v× ×v ×v v v v v

          MITM Attack                    vvvvvvv

          Replay Attack                                  vvv

          DoS Attack DDos                ×v v× ×v ×                          v

          Eavesdropping Attack           vvv× × × v

          Forged Sensor                                  ×××

          Smart Factor                   × × × ×v v× × ×v
          Healthcare                     ×××                              ×

                         TABLE III.                      number of devices and users grows, it becomes increasingly
       COMPARISON OF COMPUTATIONAL COST                  difficult to manage and maintain the authentication infrastruc-
                                                         ture. The complex is a difficult for users to understand and
Scheme Registration      Login and Total Cost            implement them. This can lead to a low adoption rate and a
         Phase                                           lack of trust in the system.
[22] 2Th+ 1T                                                           CONFLICT OF INTEREST
[13] 1Th+                                                   The authors have no conflict of relevant interest to this
         2T +1T||        13Th+6T         15Th+7T         article.
[14] 2Th+ 6T                                                                  REFERENCES
                         8Th+13T +16T|| 9Th+15T +17T||
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                          bits     bits
          bits            1040     848   896 bits
                          bits     bits
AS? PDi   320


PDi ? Si  192


Total     1024

   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135