Page 128 - 2023-Vol19-Issue2
P. 128

124 |                                                           Rashid et al.

On the security side, AVISPA provides four back-end analyz-
ers, OFMC, CL-AtSe, SAT-based Model-Checker, and Tree
Automata-based Protocol Analyzer, as shown in Fig. 4. The
same basic symbols in Table I are used to implement the pro-
posed scheme in HLPSL and then check the validity of our
work with the AVISPA result. Figures 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 denote
implementing the proposed scheme in AVISPA and prove the
security features.

Fig. 4. AVISPA structural design

             TABLE I.                                                Fig. 5. Specification of health care center in HLPSL
                                                                authentication phase on the side of sensors (Si) and personal
Symbols      Description                                        device (PDi) up to the sending of the main authentication
Pi           User, which may be a patient or their              parameters from PDito AS. Figure 8 plays more attention
             relatives                                          for checking the validity of PDiand then sends challenge in
Di           The doctor is responsible to check                 encrypted manner to PDifor achieving to mutual authenti-
             patient                                            cation between PDiand AS. Figure 9 is responsible for the
Si           Any sensor that is connected to the                contracting and running main session of proposed scheme.
PDi          Special device of each patient                       V. COMPARISON WITH SIMILAR SCHEMES
ASi          Remote Authorized server
IDsi         The identity of Si                                 The main comparison relies on the security features of pro-
PWsi         The password of Si                                 posed scheme with some previous authentication schemes, as
IDPi         The identity of patient                            shown in Table II. However, the proposed scheme has many
h            Salt hash function                                 security features such as smart factor, unlinkability, and resis-
PW Pi        The password of patient                            tance to well-known attacks like protection from a stolen PDi
SHki         Shared key between Si and AS                       attack. Table III focuses on a comparison using the computa-
Shsi         Shared key of encrypted information                tional cost with other previous schemes.
             between Si and PDi                                 Th : denotes the specific time of hash.
ShPDi        Shared key of encrypted information
             between PDi and AS                                     T : denotes the specific time of XOR.
Medical      Includes the patient’s information,                    TEnc : denotes the specific time of encryption.
information  medical state, and location                            TDec : denotes the specific time of decryption.
                                                                    T? : denotes the specific time of concatenation.
    In practical terms, by using AVISPA, the proposed authen-       Based on [22], Th is 0.0023 ms, and T - T? is ignored
tication scheme for a WBAN can ensure that the scheme is        due to its negligible time. In terms of communication
secure and meets the necessary requirements for protecting          cost, the size of the identity, password, key, and hash value
sensitive medical information. Figure 5 explains the main       is assumed 128 bits for the authentication phase. The value of
role of the health care center (HCC) in distributing the setup  32 bits is connected with the computed parameters. Each of
parameters to the WBAN components (P , PDi , Si , AS ) .        the random numbers and timestamps has a size equal to 8 bits.
The login of sensors in the proposed scheme can be applied      The total communication cost of scheme and other similar
in AVISPA by using Fig. 6. Figure 7 denotes the login and       schemes is compared in Table IV.
                                                                    Table III shows the total computation cost of scheme is ap-
                                                                proximately 0.0161 ms, which is less than the cost of previous
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