Page 79 - IJEEE-2022-Vol18-ISSUE-1
P. 79

Hamed & Yassin                                                                                                                                  | 75

  2. Disease prevention: ???? resists the disease based on devices               V. FORMAL SECURITY ANALYSIS WITH SCYTHER TOOL
  of doctors (??1, ??2, ??3 … , ???? ) and avoids all foods caused
  from the severity of chronic diseases.                                             Currently, we are focusing on establishing that the
  3. Laboratory and diagnostic care: ???? can receive the results               suggested method can withstand severe assaults such as
  of his test directly in his account (????????). In the other side,            phishing, man-in-the-middle (MITM), replay attacks, and
  early examination through the symptoms associated with                        eavesdropping attacks. Furthermore, our work incorporates a
  chronic diseases by sending his symptoms to the health                        number of security features. We do the following analysis of
  foundation.                                                                   the suggested scheme. It considers as a cryptography tool
  4. Remote emergency and inpatient services: ???? can get full                 used for formal security analysis and proof to ensure from
  services to the case emergency to take first aid and treatment                security, resisting well-known malicious attacks, correctness
  and prepare logistics before arriving at the hospital.                        of the messages via communication channel applied with the
  5. The mechanism of sending a query from ???? to ?????? and                   perfect cryptography functions such as hash function,
  vice versa. This query represents "Inquiries about symptoms                   EMAIL, encryption, and decryption. Finally, this tool gains
  of a specific disease or other". However, ???? writes his secure              the proposed scheme a guarantee to implement in the safe
  query ???? = ?????????????? (??????????_????????) and sends ???? to ??????.   condition and can resist the familiar attacks until the attacker
  6. In the side of ?????? , he retrieves the ??????????_???????? by            is accessible. Currently, the proposed scheme has been
  decrypting ???? based on ???????????'??????? = ?????????????? (????) . Then,  written in SPDL language and the viewed the results in the
  ?????? sends the ???????????'??????? to the concerned department in the       state of (?????????????????? ??????????) and (???????????????????????? ??????????).
  health foundation. After that, the specialist doctor answers
  the patient query by doctor report (????2???? ) and then ??????               1. Verification of Claim : Scyther's input language allows
  encrypts this report (???? = ?????????????? (????2????)) and resubmits        security features to be specified in terms of claimed events.
  ???? to ????.                                                                 For example, one may argue in a role definition that a
  7. Upon receiving ????, ???? can read the replying of his queries             particular value is confidential (confidentiality) and that
  by ????2???? = ?????????????? (????).                                         certain traits should apply to communication partners
                                                                                (authentication). Scyther can be used to verify or disprove
                  Fig.3: Healthcare phase for patient                           these traits.
5. Key Management Phase                                                         2. Automatic of Claim: If the protocol specification lacks
                                                                                security assertions, Scyther can generate them automatically.
    Here, the main parties have an agreement to generate once                   Verification claims assert that the protocol's putative
    key for each login request based on ( ????????, ???? ). In the              communication partners must have followed it as intended at
    moment of successful login of patient, the main parties                     the conclusion of each role. All parameters and locally
    (????, ??????) performs the following points to apply this phase.           produced values are likewise subject to confidentiality claims
    1. Patient (????) side computes ???????? = ????????? ????.                  (nonce). Scyther evaluates the expanded protocol
    2. Cloud Healthcare Server (??????) side computes ???????? =                description, in the same manner, he did previously. This
                                                                                allows users to quickly study a protocol's characteristics.
          ????????? ????'.                                                      Based on the scyther tool, our work resists harmful attacks
                                                                                such as MITM, Insider, Replay, Spoofing, and
                                                                                Impersonation. The login and authentication phases are
                                                                                depicted in Figure 4 [37].

                                                                                     We notice that the proposed scheme has protect against
                                                                                malicious attacks as above mention. So, SPDL supports
                                                                                many major crypto functions like sending or receiving
                                                                                messages among components, and the roles of each
                                                                                component. When we strip the proposed system from
                                                                                security factions like crypto hash, encryption, we will notice
                                                                                the apparent weakness of the system, as Figures 5 and 6.

                                                                                     Figure 5 represents the result of an safe system that does
                                                                                not contain perfect cryptography functions. Therefore, this
                                                                                system becomes insecure and vulnerable to face the
                                                                                malicious attacks (see Figure 6).
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