Page 82 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 82

78 |                                                               AlKarem, Khalid, & Ali

styles [9, 11]. In WD style, a classifier is trained separately    fication model based on multi-dilation convolutional neural
on samples of signatures for each person, and when a new           network, the proposed model was validated using dataset of
person’s signature joins the system, the classifier is retrained.  CEDAR that involves 24 images of genuine and 24 images
In contrast, in the WI approach the system is developed so that    of forgery for every 55 signer. Longjam et al. [21] proposed
a new person’s signature is checked without the necessity to       multi-scripted writer independent offline signature verification
retrain the classification model [12, 13]. This study proposes     method by suggesting hybrid of CNN and Bi-directional Long
to use WI style. Signature verification is an essential part of    Short Term memory (BiLstm) techniques, to recognize skilled
many business processes.                                           forgery and genuine signatures. Their study used different
There are many of introduced studies for online and offline        datasets from the literature such as GPDS-300, GPDS-Bengali,
signature verification in the literature. Ismail et al. [14] In-   GPDS-Devanagari, CEDAR, BHSig260-Bengali, BHSig260-
troduced offline Arabic signature recognition and verification     Hindi, and Meitei Mayek signature. The system evaluated on
system of two separate phases. This technique based on a           various multi-scripted signatures based offline that belongs
multistage classifier and a set of global and local features.      to multiple lingual Indian community. However, lots of stud-
The algorithms for signature verification are relies on fuzzy      ies have been proposed for WI offline signature verification.
concepts. Iranmanesh et al. [15] was employed a systematic         Yet, it is necessary to improve the overall accuracy measure-
method for online signature verification using multilayer per-     ments [7, 22–25]. Working this paper proposed a handwritten
ceptron (MLP) on a subset of principal component analysis          signature recognition method using CNN model architecture.
(PCA) features to analyze the signature time series signals.       The developed model is tested on Arabic handwriting signa-
This method explain a feature selection technique utilizing        tures data to recognize whether the provided signature is real
information extracted from PCA on handwritten signature            or forged. The contribution of this study is summarized as
which can be significant by obtaining reduced error rates, this    below:
technique obtain an 93.1% accuracy on 200 users and 8,000          1- Developing deep learning model for writer independent
signatures consisting of genuine and forger signatures. In         (WI) offline signature verification system based on convolu-
Hafemann et al. [16] the method employed the representations       tional neural network model architecture.
from signature images, using CNN to process the difficulty         2- Developing an Arabic signature dataset that consisting of
of obtaining good features, and improve system performance.        genuine signature samples and forged signature samples.
They suggested a new formulation that includes knowledge of        3- Evaluating and testing the deployed model to make classifi-
the professional forgeries from a subset of users in the feature   cation and verification on the Arabic signature dataset.
learning process, which aims to capture visual sign that distin-   The paper is organized as follows: Section II. presents the
guish real signatures and forgeries regardless of the user. In     proposed method, Section III. presents the results and discus-
Gideon et al. [17] handwritten signature forgery detection is      sions, and Section IV. presents the conclusion.
explored on English signature dataset. The forgery signature
system used the static features which involves image pro-                        II. PROPOSED METHOD
cessing techniques to analyses the accuracy of the signatures
based on a CNN. Poddar et al. [18] used a method special-          This paper introduced a method for offline handwritten sig-
ize in the signature as biometric feature to discern forgery       nature recognition, by using a deep learning concept. The
in signature. It used a Convolution Neural Network (CNN)           proposed method implemented a model architecture based on
for signature forgery detection and relies on Crest-Trough         CNN [1]. Features of CNN network is proposed to extract
method, speeded up robust features (SURF) algorithm and            depth and high descriptive cues from signature images, by
Harris corner detection algorithm; this system got an accuracy     using multiple CNN layers. Max pooling layer is proposed
of 85-89% for forgery detection and 90-94% for signature           to interpose between CNN layers to select good and most
recognition. Ghanim et al. [19] introduced SVM and CNN             representative features each time. The extracted features are
classifiers independently for offline Arabic handwritten recog-    flattened into one feature vector. Then, the fully connect
nition method, by implementing multistage cascading system.        layer (Dens network layer) with 128 neurons is proposed for
This approach began with applying the Hierarchical Agglom-         features mapping and to make classifier learns from these
erative Clustering (HAC) technique to divide the database          features. Dropout layer of 20% is proposed here to overcome
into partially interrelated clusters. The inter-relations support  overfitting problem. At last of model architecture, Softmax
representing the database as a big search tree model and help      classifier is proposed to recognize real signatures from forged
to reduce the recognition complexity in matching for each          signatures. The framework of the proposed method is depicted
test image with a cluster, and higher recognition accuracy of      in Fig. 1.
90%. Upadhyay et al. [20] introduced offline signature veri-
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