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74 |                                                                                                       Shukir

Fig. 9. The membership functions of the error signal of the         Fig. 11. The membership functions of output signal of the Ac
Ac voltage regulator.                                               voltage regulator.

                                                                                                 TABLE IV.
                                                                        TOTAL HARMONICS DISTORTION (THD) OF LOAD
                                                                    VOLTAGE AND CURRENT UNDER DIFFERENT LOADS AND

                                                                                          BATTERY CONDITIONS

                                                                          THD%               THD%

                                                                    Load  of Load Voltage of Load Current

Fig. 10. The membership function of the change of error             880W  D.C Voltage = 96V
signal of the Ac voltage regulator.                                 660W
                                                                    440W  1.05 0.45
                                                                    880W  1.52 0.89
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