Page 86 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 86

82 |                                                                             AlKarem, Khalid, & Ali

                                           TABLE II.

      Data            Obtained accuracy                     Obtained loss Error
      Training set    0.995                                 0.0273
      Validation-set  0.9536                                0.2322
      Test-set        1.000                                 0.0488

                                                            TABLE III.
                                                            COMPARISON EVALUATION WITH RECENT STUDIES

                                                            Study                    Accuracy
                                                            Wei et al.,2019 [22]     90.17%
                                                            Xiao & Ding (2022) [23]  95.66%
                                                            Ren et al., 2022 [24]    93.25%,
                                                            Lopes et al., 2022 [25]  85.0 %
                                                            The proposed method      95.36 %

                                                            mance of existing methods. Therefore, this work proposed to
                                                            develop deep learning model-based CNN to perform WI of-
                                                            fline signature verification. The proposed model was trained,
                                                            validated and tested on collected English signature dataset.
                                                            The developed model is utilized to make prediction and veri-
                                                            fication on Arabic signature samples which was created for
                                                            this study. The experimental outcomes have shown a good
                                                            performance in term of accuracy. However, this work needs
                                                            to enhance the accuracy via increasing the training dataset
                                                            samples. Fore future work, to improve the accuracy, this
                                                            work aims at exploring different techniques for features ex-
                                                            traction, selection, and classification. Exploring other datasets

                                                                          CONFLICT OF INTEREST

                                                            The authors have no conflict of relevant interest to this article.

Fig. 6. The outcomes of signature recognition using images                      REFERENCES
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