Page 77 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 77
73 | Shukir
Fig. 7. The membership function of error and change of error
signals of The Dc voltage regulator.
Fig. 5. The center of the area under the curve.
Fig. 8. The membership function of output signal of the Dc
voltage regulator.
Fig. 6. The Gaussian membership function. advanced form of the inverter, as it ensures less noise, less
energy consumption, and less fluctuations [19], because the
Since the loads are identical, the simulation results were taken current at the input and at the output of the inverter is divided
for the first load. Fig. 15 demonstrated the batteries voltage, between the two bridges, which leads to a decrease in the
converter output, load voltage, and load current at the output losses to a half, and thus reducing the rise in temperatures,
power is 880W, Fig. 16 depicted the waveforms at the output and improve the efficiency and the power factor of the inverter,
power is 660W, Fig. 17 when the output power is 440W, and therefore, this technology is used in modern air conditioners
Fig. 18 when the output power is 220W. Fig. 19 depicted the to operate more than one compressor without connect it in
simulation result when the battery voltage drops to 94v, and parallel, in addition to the possibility of making them rotate in
output power is 880W. opposite directions [20]. Diversity of electrical power sources
plays a vital role in obtaining a reliable electrical power, such
Simulation results demonstrated obtaining of 220 V, 50 as DC sources for small loads, and AC sources without fuel for
Hz, with an acceptable limits of the total harmonics distortion large loads such as concentrated solar power (CSP) systems,
(THD) according to the IEEE standard, which is less than and thermal solar power (TSP) systems.
5% with the largest single harmonic no more than 3% of the
fundamental voltage. Table IV shows the total harmonics dis- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
tortion (THD) which are obtained from the FFT(Fast Fourier
Transform) algorithm using powergui tool in MATLAB pro- The author has no conflict of relevant interest to this article.
Fuzzy logic is easy and efficient to work with nonlinear sys-
tems, preferably with as few membership functions as possible
to get a faster response time. Twin inverter technology is an