Page 84 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 84

80 |                                                                                       AlKarem, Khalid, & Ali

conv2d_3_input    input:      [(None,224,224,1)]                                       TABLE I.
   Input Layer    output:     [(None,224,224,1)]                    THE PROPOSED MODEL ARCHITECTURE

        conv2d_3  input:   (None,224,224,1)                         Layer Input                         Setting
         Conv2D   output:  (None,222,222,32)                        Input layer                        64×64×1
                                                                    Convolution                        32×3× 3
max_pooling2d-3   input:      (None,222,222,32)                     Max pooling
 Maxpooling2D     output:     (None,111,111,32)                     Convolution                          2×2
                                                                    Max pooling                       64 ×3 × 3
        conv2d_4  input:   (None,111,111,32)                        Convolution
         Conv2D   output:  (None,109,109,64)                        Max pooling                          2×2
                                                                    Flatten layer                     128 ×3 × 3
max_pooling2d-4   input:      (None,109,109,64)
Max_pooling2D     output:       (None,54,54,64)                     Fully connected layer                2×2

        Conv2d_5  input:    (None,54,54,64)                         Dropout                   128 neurons, activation
         Conv2D   output:  (None,52,52,128)                                                   function : Relu
                                                                    Fully connected layer
                                                                                           2 classes , activation function
                                                                                           : Softmax classifier

max_pooling2d-5   input:   (None,52,52,128)                         ”sparse categorical crossentropy” as loos function to compute
Max_pooling2D     output:  (None,26,26,128)                         the error between given results and predicated results during
                                                                    training. Model fitting is performed based on the specified
      flatten_1   input:   (None,26,26,128)                         data of training and validation utilizing batch size of 32, and
       Flatten    output:    (None,86528)                           the no of epoch is 15.

      dense_2     input:   (None,86528)                                       III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
       Dense      output:   (None,128)
                                                                    This paper is implemented a deep learning method for of-
      dropout_1   input:   (None,128)                               fline handwritten signature recognition via introducing a deep
       Dropout    output:  (None,128)                               architecture model based on CNN network. The method im-
                                                                    plemented using programming language instructions of Keras
      dense_3     input:   (None,128)                               Tensorflow library of Python. GPU of Google Colab platform
       Dense      output:   (None,2)                                is utilized to run the code on HP laptop with Intel core i7,
                                                                    and Nvidia Getforce GPU. This study executed a method to
Fig. 2. Plot of the proposed model architecture.                    recognize genuine signature from forgery signature utilizing
                                                                    collected dataset of scanned images of handwritten signature
              Fig. 2. Plot of the proposed model architecture.      taken from many individuals. The collected dataset consists
                                                                    of 720 images, 360 images for genuine signature, and 360
3×3; while the number of filters for three layers is 32, 64, and    images for forgery signatures, to be used for training and vali-
128 respectively. Max pooling layer is proposed after each          dating the proposed model. The model is implemented after
convolution layer to keep good features as depicted in model        randomly splitting the data into train, validate, and test images.
architecture Table I.                                               This work implemented a method based on CNN network for
                                                                    features extraction procedure while dense network or deep
E. Model Training and Fitting                                       neural network is proposed for features classification process
For model training, the features are first flattened into features  as illustrated in section II. This study conducted a quantita-
vector, and then fully connected layer (Dense network) is pro-      tive measurement based on accuracy metric to evaluate the
posed for features processing and recognition, which assigned       performance of this method. The proposed model based on
128 neurons, by using activation function Relu. Dropout             CNN network utilized training accuracy, training loss error,
layer is suggested with rate 0.2 to avoid overfitting, due to       validation accuracy, and validation loos error to evaluate the
dropout can skip some neurons every time to avoid too much          functionality of the model during fitting process. The batch
training and by that overfitting problem could be overcome.         size is 32 and epoch no is 15. The acquired accuracy for
Then dense layer with Softmax activation function is pro-           validation dataset is 0.9536 %. The outcomes of model train-
posed to classify the features into two classes. The opti-
mization function that has been proposed for model training
is “Adam” with learning rate 0.001. This work employed
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