Page 58 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
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54 |                                                                         Alobaidi & Mikhael

               (a) (a)

      (b) (c) (d)                                                   (b) (c) (d)

      (e) (f)      (g)

                                                                    (e) (f)      (g)

 Fig. 6. Samples from BOSSBase database/spatial LSB. (a)            Fig. 7. Samples from BOSSBase database/DCT Blocks. (a)
Original cover image, (b) Stegoimage with block size of 4, (c)      Original cover image, (b) Stegoimage with block size of 4, (c)
Stegoimage with block size of 8, (d) Stegoimage with block          Stegoimage with block size of 8, (d) Stegoimage with block

     size of 16, (e) Stegoimage with block size of 32, (f)               size of 16, (e) Stegoimage with block size of 32, (f)
Stegoimage with block size of 64, (g) Stegoimage block size         Stegoimage with block size of 64, (g) Stegoimage block size

                                of 128.                                                             of 128.

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