Page 59 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 59
55 | Alobaidi & Mikhael
(b) (c) (d) Fig. 9. Histogram of images. (a) Cover image histogram
(image 1/custom-built database), (b) DCT blocks insertion
stegoimage histogram, (c) Proposed technique stegoimage
(e) (f) (g) Image Index Spatial DCT Blocks Proposed
1 0.022450 1.778500 0.019925
Fig. 8. Samples from BOSSBase database/proposed LSB 2 0.020298 1.781846 0.021749
technique. (a) Original cover image, (b) Stegoimage with 3 0.020298 1.781899 0.019925
block size of 4, (c) Stegoimage with block size of 8, (d) 4 0.023770 1.780727 0.022091
Stegoimage with block size of 16, (e) Stegoimage with block 5 0.023770 1.786850 0.022091
6 0.023770 1.792158 0.019925
size of 32, (f) Stegoimage with block size of 64, (g) 7 0.022450 1.794135 0.022450
Stegoimage block size of 128. 8 0.021048 1.780192 0.022782
9 0.019519 1.772875 0.021401
10 0.023770 1.781059 0.021401
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