Page 294 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 294

290 |                                                                                                                                   Abdulabbas & Salih

be written as:                                                                          Assume that Lid = Liq = Li, Lod = Loq = Lo , rid = riq = ri,
                                                                                        rod = roq = ro ,and Ccd = Ccq = C in Eqs. (14) - (19). The
    ixd              2 ? ixa ?                                                          control input is defined as sum of steady-state and perturbed
    ixq         = T?              ixb         where x reperesent i or o
                   3              ixc  ?                                                quantities

                     2 ? vya ?                                                          sd = Sd + ?sd                                                        (20)

    vyd          =    T?          vyb     ?  where y reperesent g or c
    vyq              3            vyc

                     2 ? Sa ?                                                           sq = Sq + ?sq                                                        (21)

    Sd          = T?              Sb   ? , and                                          Assuming that the inverter, grid currents, and capacitor voltage
    Sq             3              Sc                                                    track their references in steady-state and all parameters of
                                                                                        inverter and grid inductances and capacitance in two-axis are
T=          cos(?t)               cos     ?t  -   2p          cos    ?t   +  2p         equal, then steady-state switching functions can be expressing
                                                  3                          3          Eqs. (14) and (15) as following
            - sin(?t)             - sin          -  2p        - sin           2p
                                             ?t     3                  ?t  +  3

is Park transformation                                                                          2     Lie  d   (iid*)  +  rieiid  *  +  vcd*  -  ?  Lieiiq*  (22)
The conversion of a differential equation from a three-axis sys-                        Sd = vdc           dt
tem to a two-axis system can be achieved using the following

              ?      ixa  ?                                                                     2         d    iiq*    + rieiiq* + vcq* + ?Lieiid*
            d                                                                           Sq = vdc      Lie dt
2                                      d      ixd                       ixq                                                                                  (23)
                                              ixq                      -ixd
3 TLx dt ?           ixb  ? = Lx dt                     - ?Lx                     (12)
                                                                                        Where Lieand rie are estimate inductance and resistance re-
Multiplying both side of Eq. (11) by Park transformation                                spectively and iid*,iiq*, vcd*,and vcq* are inverter currents and
and making some algebraic manipulation one can obtain the                               capacitor voltages, then vcd*,and vcq* can be written from Eqs.
following expression                                                                    (16) and (17).

   21                                 Sd                                          (13)  vcd*  =  Loe  d   (iod*)  +  roeiod*  -      ? Loe ioq *  +  vgd     (24)
   3 TVinv = 2 Vdc                    Sq                                                              dt

Now, the transformation of Eqs. (8) - (10) is given by                                  vcq*          d    ioq*   + roeioq* + ?Loeiod* + vgq
        d                                            vdc                                      =  Loe                                                         (25)
        dt                                            2
   Lid      (iid)    +    ridiid  =    ? Lid iiq  +       sd  -   vcd             (14)  The grid reference current can be converted from a three-phase

       d    iiq      + riqiiq     =    -? Liq iid    +  vdc   sq  -  vcq          (15)  system into two phases, so this current can be expressed as
   Liq dt                                                2
                                                                                        components dq synchronous reference frame oriented with
                                                                                        grid voltage as following iod* = I*o, ioq* = 0 and grid voltage
                                                                                        is given by vgd = Vg , vgq = 0. By substituting the aforemen-
                                                                                        tioned relationships into Eqs. (18)-(19) and (22)-(25) to get

   Lod  d   (iod)    +    rodiod  =    ? Lod ioq     +  vcd   -   vgd             (16)
                                                                                        vc*d = roeI*o + Vg                                                   (26)

        d       ioq  + roqioq = -?Loqiod + vcq - vgq                              (17)  vcq* = ?LoeIo*                                                       (27)
   Loq dt

   Cd   d   (vcd)    =    iid  -  iod  +  ?  Cdvcq                                (18) iid* = Io* 1 - ?2CeLoe                                                (28)

       d    vcq      = iiq - ioq - ?Cqvcd                                         (19) iiq* = ?CeroeI*o + ?CeVg                                              (29)
   Cq dt
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