Page 260 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 260

256 |                                                               Sabeeh & Al-Furati

       Fig. 6. Path-planning with GA-PRM algorithm.                 ing performance in experiments, there are still areas for im-
       more direct and efficient in reaching the goal while
       avoiding obstacles. The GA-PRM’s combination of ge-              First, the algorithm’s performance depends heavily on the
       netic algorithms and probabilistic roadmaps contributed      choice of parameters, such as the mutation rate and population
       to the algorithm’s ability to explore the workspace ef-      size. These parameters can significantly influence the quality
       fectively and find shorter paths. This characteristic is of  of the generated paths. Fine-tuning the genetic algorithm’s
       utmost importance in various autonomous robotic ap-          parameters and exploring alternative genetic operators could
       plications, as shorter paths translate to reduced energy     further improve the algorithm’s convergence and solution
       consumption and faster completion of tasks, which can        quality.
       be crucial for time-sensitive missions.
                                                                        Second, as the environment becomes more complex and
   2. Computational time: The GA-PRM algorithm demon-               the count of dynamic obstacles rises, the algorithm’s execu-
       strated an average computational time of (0.6881), which     tion time also experiences an increase. Although genetic algo-
       was faster in generating path plans as compared to the       rithms and probabilistic roadmaps naturally bring in elements
       other algorithms (except for the RRT algorithm, which        of randomness and adaptability, it remains crucial to inves-
       took 0.6209 seconds). The efficiency of the GA-PRM           tigate strategies that can enhance computational efficiency
       algorithm can be attributed to its use of genetic algo-      when dealing with larger and dynamic settings.
       rithms and probabilistic roadmaps, which allowed for
       effective exploration of the configuration space while           Another aspect to consider is how to handle dynamic
       keeping the computation time low. This characteristic        obstacles with unpredictable trajectories. The current algo-
       makes the new algorithm suitable for real-time applica-      rithm models dynamic obstacles as random walkers within
       tions where prompt decision-making is imperative.            the workspace. However, incorporating predictive methods
                                                                    or learning algorithms to anticipate the future trajectories of
   3. Smoothness: The GA-PRM algorithm achieved a mod-              these obstacles could lead to more predictive and preemptive
       erate level of smoothness (0.3133) in its planned paths.     path-planning behavior for the robot.
       While the PRM algorithm had the smoothest paths with
       the highest average smoothness (1.8543), the GA-PRM              Finally, the proposed algorithm currently assumes known
       algorithm managed to strike a balance between path           and fixed sensor ranges for ultrasonic, IR, and other sensor
       smoothness and path length, leading to an overall more       types. Incorporating adaptive sensor models that can dynami-
       optimal solution. Smoothness in the path is crucial to       cally adjust their ranges based on the environment’s charac-
       guaranteeing stable and controlled movement of the           teristics could enhance the algorithm’s robustness in handling
       robot, particularly in situations with strict safety de-     varying obstacle densities.
                                                                                     VIII. CONCLUSION
Although the proposed GA-PRM algorithm has shown promis-
                                                                    The GA-PRM algorithm holds significant importance in robotics
                                                                    and path planning, particularly in dynamic and complex en-
                                                                    vironments such as healthcare settings. Through combin-
                                                                    ing the power of genetic algorithms with the efficiency of
                                                                    probabilistic roadmaps, GA-PRM excels in finding adaptable
                                                                    and obstacle-aware paths for robots. This characteristic is
                                                                    crucial for ensuring safe and efficient navigation in environ-
                                                                    ments where obstacles and conditions are subject to frequent
                                                                    changes, ultimately contributing to the reliable and effective
                                                                    deployment of robots in real-world scenarios, including health-
                                                                    care, logistics, and more.

                                                                        Future research could optimize GA-PRM parameters, in-
                                                                    tegrate advanced sensors for context-aware planning, explore
                                                                    multi-robot systems, and leverage hardware advancements for
                                                                    real-time implementation.

                                                                                  CONFLICT OF INTEREST

                                                                    The authors have no conflict of relevant interest to this article.
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