Page 263 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 263
Received: 12 January 20204 | Revised: 2 April 2024 | Accepted: 4 May 2024
DOI: 10.37917/ijeee.20.2.22 Vol. 20 | Issue 2 | December 2024
Open Access
Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Original Article
Ultra-Wide Band Printed Microstrip Patch Antenna with
Two Band Rejection Feature
Asmaa H. Majeed
College of Engineering, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
*Asmaa H. Majeed
College of Engineering,
Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq
This work presents a new design idea for a UWB printed micro strip patch antenna with two band-rejection features.
The patch has an elliptical shape and its feeding using micro strip feeding line. To achieve the UWB, an elliptical slot
was etched on a ground plane. The rejection of two-band is achieved with the addition of two different slots on the
radiating patch, the first slot is inverted U shaped slot and the other is U-shaped slot, so there is no need for antenna’s
additional size. The radiation pattern of the suggested antenna has an omnidirectional shape for the frequency band
from 3.168 GHz to over 15 GHz. There is a two rejection bands, the first one covering 4.87 - 5.79 GHz with a center
frequency of 5.42 GHz, and the other covering 7.2 - 8.45 GHz with a center frequency of 7.8 GHz. The chosen substrate
for the current work is FR-4 having permittivity of 4.3 and thickness of 1.43 mm and the suggested antenna has a small
size of 24.5 × 24.5mm2. The Experimental results of the manufactured antenna showed agreement with those results of
the simulated one.
UWB, Single Rejection Band, Two Rejection Bands, Patch Antenna.
I. INTRODUCTION and notching [5]. However, more research is currently being
driven by the need for wider bandwidths and smaller antennas.
Ultra-wide band (UWB) antennas are essential components Typically, the antenna’s radiating patch is positioned above a
of many systems, including radar systems, electronic war- ground plane that is printed in a rectangle on the substrate’s
fare, medical imaging, and broadband wireless communica- opposite side. Other designs had slots etched in the antenna
tions. Among their many appealing advantages is that they ground plane and in the radiating patch [6].
frequently just need a basic RF front-end [1, 2]. A frequency Owing to their broad frequency range, UWB systems fre-
range of UWB is often quite wide. The specifics, however, quently interact with the X-band satellite systems as well as
are determined by the system specifications and the band’s the current narrow band wireless communication systems [7].
center frequency [2]. Using band-reject filters is an easy way to reduce the interfer-
Patch antennas, which have the benefits of being lightweight, ence mentioned above. But this strategy, nevertheless, will
inexpensive, and easily fabricated, have been used in UWB introduce more devices into the system that are relatively
systems to satisfy the need for small antennas for portable small in size as an example portable devices [8].
devices. To expand the bandwidth, a variety of patch shapes, To reduce interference with aforementioned systems, it is
including elliptical, triangular, and circular disks, have been preferable to use band-rejection features in UWB antenna [9].
employed [3,4]. In order to provide a better matching through- Notch loading is an effective way to reduce interference and
out a larger band, the antenna ground plane was addition- improve impedance matching. Nevertheless, the additional
ally reshaped from its original rectangular shape by tapering
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©2024 The Authors.
Published by Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering | College of Engineering, University of Basrah. | 259