Page 123 - 2024-Vol20-Issue2
P. 123

119 |                                                                                       Assim & Mahmood

                                                       TABLE II.
                                  EPILEPTIC DETECTION FROM EEG SIGNALS

Ref Objective            Dataset      Pre-processing Classification Model         Tools             Results

                                                           CNN for                Python

                                                           binary classification  computer

             To assess   REPO          Downscaled Raw        2-fully linked            with two     Accuracy for
           the accuracy  2MSE         EEG to 256 Hz and      layers with a            A 500 GB      3×131 model
           of the model  cohort       split into 5-second    single output            of Memory,
[40] on ictal and                     overlapping pieces.                                              = 0.869
                                                               are placed               32-core         while
             interictal                                      after 3 blocks       AMD EPYC 7551       the model
               EEG                                         of convolutional                         3×5 accuracy
                                                           layers. Stochastic         processors,      = 0.825.
            recordings.                                                           and Nvidia Tesla
                                                                Gradient           T4 GPU. Keras

                                                           Descend SGD            and TensorFlow

                                                           optimizer.             v1.4. Are used.

                                                                                                    Accuracy is:

                                                           CNN with                                 originalEEG

       To evaluate                      To divide          16 kernels                   Python/        =0.949
                                        the signal         and kernle                   NVIDI           DWT
       different                      into segments                               NVIDIA GeForce      =0.9595,
                                        using the             size is                 RTX 2080      FFT=0.9371,
       evaluation                       Hamming               31 × 1                                STFT=0.943,
                                         window             The batch                     tests        Hybrid
[41]   techniques           Bonn                              size is                  were run        =0.9639
         on the          University        with              set to 6                               EEG LSTM
                                          length             and 100                      with         =0.9787
       accuracy                            128.              epochs.                 Keras 2.3.1.     Hybrid
                                                           With Adam
       of the


                                                           optimizer.                               LSTM


       To achieve                     Standardize the           1D CNN            Python Keras,      DCAE+
                                         raw input              (3- blocks          a package       Bi-LSTM
      high accuracy in                   EEG data          of convolutional,         built on       model has
                                                               each block             top of        sensitivity
[42]     2-class,           Bonn       to a mean of            consists of         TensorFlow.      =98.72%,
       3-class, and      University.       0 and a               5 layers,                          specificity
                                          variation            then 3 fully                         =98.86%,
       5-class EEG                          of 1.               connected                           accuracy
                                                           layers). Batch size                      =98.79%,
       classification.                                          =100 with                           F1-score
                                                                                                    = 98.79%.

                                      Signals are              2D-DCAE                               DCAE+
                                                                 using 4                            Bi-LSTM
                                      filtered between           models,
       To achieve                     0 and 128 Hz         2D-DCAE+MLP,                                 has
       high and sampled                                        Bi-LSTM,                             sensitivity
       accuracy,                      at 256 Hz.           2D-DCNN+MLP,              Python         specificity
                                                              2D-DCNN+               Google         =98.86%,
[43]   sensitivity,      CHB–MIT.     Use down                 Bi-LSTM)           Colaboratory      accuracy
       specificity,                   sampling                  ., Adam                             =98.79%,
                                                               optimizer.                           F1-score
       and F1-score                   to reduce                                                     = 98.79%.

       in EEG                         dimensionality

       classification.                channel-by-

                                      channel z-score

   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127   128